Releases: uiwjs/react-native-uiw
Releases · uiwjs/react-native-uiw
- 🐞 fix:修复 Modal 弹出动画底层延迟收起问题 (#303) 94f4c61 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(Picker): Picker 滑动后长按会出现一直滚动 fix #301 d2a3515 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): 优化 android 激活先变色后置顶 1c7c2f8 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): fix 滑动时再点击会有定时器残留 7496cac @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): Update Readme a85d6c9 @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(NoticeBar): 通告栏增加文字样式修改功能 及 页面demo展示 (#304) 8651459 @Amber-Nan
- 💄 chore(Modal): fix precision=left|right 时高度丢失 61f6879 @cuilanxin
- <Picker date={arr} value={17} />
+ <Picker data={arr} value={17} />
- 📖 doc(website): Update 06de79d @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SwipeAction):Update Code and README f62b4a8 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 更新文档添加组件预览图片 (#293) 5f4f7f4 @Amber-Nan
- 🌟 feat(Picker): Add new component. d9dd487 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): fix android onTouchEnd in ScrollViewPorps 失效 ae676a4 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): fix android onMomentumScrollEnd in ScrollViewPorps 失效 ac96a29 @cuilanxin
- 📖 doc(Icon): Update 91441c1 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): fix 传入负数的处理 eca96cf @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency husky to v7.0.3 (#298) 1d9b5b7
- 🐞 fix(SpeedDial): 修复 Android 点击事件失效及拖拽失效问题 (#286) (#300) dea3bd4 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(Picker): 保持原有Api, 重新设计Picker. fix #295 #294 b6602cd @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Picker): Update Readme 优化onLayout 事件 2463d53 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(SelectCascader): 解决在安卓端不能选择问题 fix #289 (#302) 42ce9d6 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc(website): Update website document 0b6f417 @cuilanxin
- 📄 fix #291: Drawer 主动关闭模态框的时候, 黑色蒙层并没有关掉也没有动画 247766a @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Pagination): Add renderPages, onCurrent, borderColor, color of Pagination bc75ea9 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix:update quicklist & searchinputbar example 89f3778 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 ifx:pull master 916e625 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Input): fix input style=[], extraStart 穿字符串报错 702b4a3 @cuilanxin
- 📖 doc(table): Add Table component to website 80fac54 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Rating): Update 905216b @cuilanxin
<Icon name="star-off" />,
<Icon name="star-on" />,
unactived: <Icon name="star-off" />,
actived: <Icon name="star-on" />,
- 🐞 fix(SearchInputBar): Android 文字没有居中 200363a @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Input,Stepper,SpeedDial): Android 文字没有居中, Android 没有显示问题 1558985 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(MaskLayer): Add children: JSX.Element | Array<JSX.Element> of props 55e7f1d @cuilanxin
- 💊 clean: clean up redundant code. #274 f885a28 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @rematch/loading to v2.1.1 (#280) cb0b234
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @rematch/core to v2.1.1 (#288) 36dd3a6
- 🌍 website: update markdown style. 62b651d @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: update markdown style. 5ff98f5 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix:Update SearchBar & SearchInputBar dafa729 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:pull master 05339d9 @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(Input): 重构Inupt 组件 更新 Drawe 文档 4ef55ed @cuilanxin
- 📖 doc: Update d94d742 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: Update development. 595f262 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: Update Podfile.lock build_ios_app.yml. 6a02008 @cuilanxin
- 📖 doc: Update e30f0f3 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): getDerivedStateFromProps replace componentWillReceiveProps 7e68e7f @cuilanxin
- 📄 Add react-native-gesture-handler. 879395f @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): majorization SelectCascader b5ed8db @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): majorization SelectCascader f7d3bf0 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix:删除react-native-swipeout & 重构 SwipeAction c539b90 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:pull master e12da68 @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): add activeOpacity and underlayColor of props 6d5f8da @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(ActionSheet): Add (textStyle,containerStyle,activeOpacity,underlayColor) of props fc0a9d9 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(CheckBox): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps 6d1eeb0 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): Add renderDismissNode,renderTitleNode,renderOkNode of props 0d96ef3 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SelectCascader): Remove surplus notes ee16d09 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(List): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps 9103247 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Radio): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps f17c8d1 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Switch): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps 6440e56 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix:Swipeable优化 6e1fd76 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 fix:docs:SwipeAction e73a55d @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(SwipeAciton): fix key and Add render width of Column 4e2def2 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Drawer): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps fa5dff0 @cuilanxin
- 💊 clean: 格式化 CheckBox 示例代码。 (#283) 72d0440 @Amber-Nan
- 💄 chore(SearchInputBar): Update README 3b13e53 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(ActionSheet): getDerivedStateFromProps replace UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps dd2f6a8 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix:Update SwipeAction&Update SwipeAction README 3828ece @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(SearchInputBar): SearchInputBar 聚焦问题(#284),SearchInputBar 安卓真机点击第二个搜索栏输入框报错(285) c750ff8 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SearchInputBar): Fix 失焦触发事件问题 Updater README 06d8d1f @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(doc): Update Component 2c17686 @cuilanxin
- 📖 doc: Update 0e865bf @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: Update version script. 1361108 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(Modal): 修复 Modal 模态框 没有内容, MaskLayer 遮罩层 -- 隐藏不了(#227) 9af210d @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.0 (#274) 018e3ce
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.4.4 (#275) eb4b060
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-redux to v7.1.19 (#271) 043ac3c
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-router-dom to v5.3.1 (#270) f066b45
- 💄 chore(deps): remove rehype-attr dependency. (#274) 5bb11bb @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(SpeedDial): 修复SpeedDial 悬浮标记在实例中拖拽困难 (#276) 97bbf43 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Modal): 修复因props改变就会走一遍动画的问题 (#277) 9b4362a @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.3.5 (#197) d38c0d0
- 💄 chore: Update tsconfig.json 87c8d72 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: Update (#246) 1eecbb5 @jaywcjlove
- 🌟 feat: Upgrade react-native to v0.65.1 (#247) 184136b @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-web to v0.17.2 (#248) 80a86ee
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.3.6 (#251) 9914c96
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.3.7 (#252) 43e69c3
- 🐞 fix(Pagination): 优化分页器在安卓上文字显示 (#254) 7127f74 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/build_ios_app.yml 754b457 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/build_ios_app.yml 312b8d3 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(SegmentedControl): SegmentedControl 设置color属性,文字颜色 (#256) 1c0ce07 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(SegmentedControl): SegmentedControl 设置color属性,文字颜色 (#256) c36a264 @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Stepper): Stepper组件重新优化构思 74f3f4c @cuilanxin
- 💄 chore(Stepper): 优化组件文档 f429d37 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-attr to v2.0.4 (#262) 405ae10
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.4.0 (#260) 16a82a7
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.3.4 (#263) f39ac1e
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-rewrite to v2.1.3 (#261) 8c4e17b
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-rewrite to v3 (#264) 3f71cac
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v2.1.4 (#257) d46116e
- 🌍 website: Fix rehype-rewrite type errors. #264 ce25069 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-rewrite to v3.0.3 (#267) 6a7ad65
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-attr to v2.0.6 (#268) 834ec28
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.3.5 (#266) e7ea600
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.4.1 (#265) 9c1373c
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-rewrite to v3.0.4 (#269) 33a6875
- 💄 chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (#232) 1728aff @dependabot-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @types/react-native to v0.65.5 (#258) e740127
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-web to v0.17.5 (#259) f5c0d1f
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.27 (#204) d14c92c
- 💄 chore(deps): pin dependency @jest/core to v26.6.3 (#249) 4a759e8