tools related to identification & characterisation of cryptic Alu-exons
These tools have been used to generate or analyse data tables analysing cryptic Alu-exons. The script returns positions of U tracks that are longer then 4 nts and smaller then 100 nt. The input is fasta format. We used the script to identify U-tracts within Alu elements giving rise to Alu exons. The output will contain any U-tract, and positions within the element can then be compared to the 3' splice site position, to identify U-tracks in front of the 3' SS.
(1) The script will select the trancript with the longest CDS. It takes as input the transcript table available from UCSC table browser ('knownGene' track). The output generated is hg19-cds-max_exons2.bed
(2) The script will add cryptic Alu-exons (or any exon) to the exon/CDS annotation table, based on position. This is identifying if the exon is :qcontributing to the annotated CDS and which gene/transcript it belongs to. We used the output from script (1), hg19-cds-max_exons2.bed, as input. The script uses bedtools to compare annotation and custom exon positions: intersect -s -a regulated.exons.bed -b hg19-cds-max_exons2.bed -wb The output is a table with CDS genomic positions with information of exons on transcript level together with Alu exons
(3) The script will receive a fasta file with a header of regulated exon ID, regulated exon position relative to CDS start, all exonic positions relative to CDS start position and a FASTA sequence of CDS. The input is generated from the output of (2), using bedtools getFastafrombed. The output of the script is a table with annotation of PTCs in all custom exons. PTC scoring: Predict frame of the exon based on CDS annotation of the dominant isoform of the gene and output "PTC in frame 1/2/3" if the sequence contains an UAG,UAA,UGA within frame (i.e. it contains a PTC). If it doesnt have PTC, then check if exon length not dividable by 3. If not, then write YES (== frame-shift and thereby likely to introduce PTC). If it is dividable by 3, then write NO.