Basketball Shooting Game is an interactive game where the player controls the direction of a ball thrown through a hoop using keyboard inputs. The game window displays a hoop, a ball, and the player's score. The game implements midpoint algorithms for drawing lines and circles, along with functions for transforming and animating the ball's throw. The player can throw the ball in three different directions using the keyboard inputs, with the key to reset the game and another key for exiting the program. The score updates based on the success of the throws. The game combines graphical rendering, geometric transformations, and user input handling to create an engaging and interactive experience.
- Press One for Left throw
- Press Two for Center throw
- Press Three for Right throw
- Press R for Reset
- To add difficulty when you miss 3 consecutive times the game ends
- When you miss the game displays "TRY AGAIN"
- When you score the game displays "NICE JOB"
- Numpy