- Oregon State University CS 271 Winter 2022 Portfolio Project
- README adopted from course module
The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce concepts related to string primitive instructions and macros
- Designing, implementing, and calling low-level I/O procedures
- Implementing and using macros
Write and test a MASM program to perform the following tasks
- Implement and test two macros for string processing. These macros should use Irvine’s ReadString to get input from the user, and WriteString procedures to display output.
: Display a prompt (input parameter, by reference), then get the user’s keyboard input into a memory location (output parameter, by reference). You may also need to provide a count (input parameter, by value) for the length of input string you can accommodate and a provide a number of bytes read (output parameter, by reference) by the macro.mDisplayString
: Print the string which is stored in a specified memory location (input parameter, by reference).
- Implement and test two procedures for signed integers which use string primitive instructions
- Invoke the mGetString macro (see parameter requirements above) to get user input in the form of a string of digits.
- Convert (using string primitives) the string of ascii digits to its numeric value representation (SDWORD), validating the user’s input is a valid number (no letters, symbols, etc).
- Store this one value in a memory variable (output parameter, by reference).
:- Convert a numeric SDWORD value (input parameter, by value) to a string of ASCII digits.
- Invoke the mDisplayString macro to print the ASCII representation of the SDWORD value to the output.
- Write a test program (in main) which uses the ReadVal and WriteVal procedures above to:
- Get 10 valid integers from the user. Your ReadVal will be called within the loop in main. Do not put your counted loop within ReadVal.
- Stores these numeric values in an array.
- Display the integers, their sum, and their truncated average.
- Your ReadVal will be called within the loop in main. Do not put your counted loop within ReadVal.