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A Scope: What would be a success for the mission as user of the app

Edouard Legoupil edited this page Apr 18, 2023 · 12 revisions

Supporting questionnaire design​ processes

  • Constructing a questionnaire with online interface from scratch became extremely easy, but at the same time it also become very easy to replicate questionnaire design flaw and even more challenging to enforce good practices ​

  • Building a good and reliable questionnaire requires a lot of testing (encoding, cognitive, etc.).​

  • Rather than writing from scratch, it is better to leverage the existing knowledge that could be embedded in a templating system that would allow to start from indicators, rather than questions.

The success is based on the implementation of two user stories which are linked to the organization of integrated survey data collection processes.

This involves the collaborative work between the:

  1. Global Survey Coordinator that creates standard codebook both for indicators, survey questions and contextualization recommendations

  2. Regional Survey Support that help in the effective contextualization and validation of the questionnaires used in operations to ensure that they follow standard codebook and good practices.

  3. Operation Survey Focal Point that has to organize data collection over multiple data collection waves and modes in order to generates standard indicators

For the Global Survey Coordinator

The global survey coordinator will benefit from a tools to disseminate standards to all operations through the regional survey support and to retrieve implementation feedback - adjustment, new indicators, etc.. The objective for this role is to maintain referential

The referential:

  • is managed in a single language English (en). Specific translations are managed within context .

  • creates the single source of integrity check for all questionnaires (i.e relation between indicators, questions and response).

  • can be revised on regular basis based on patches created by the comparisons between all context and the referential (revising the master label, the contextualization instructions, adding new questions...) and includes a version control capacity


For the Regional Survey Support

The Regional Survey Support will mostly benefit from a tool to pro-actively enforce Quality Assurance for Survey Data Collection. The objective for this role is to maintain context. context are declensions of the root referential.

Typically, the regional survey support, working together with the Operation Survey Focal Point, will:

  1. Define an initial mapping between a country and one or more languages in order to create a new context. When a context is created, labels are translated accordingly for all the languages defined in the initial mapping and then potentially manually revised. All of this is keep under version control (update_date, update_by) to keep some audit track

  2. Adjust the labels for all contextualize-able questions and response based on the indication from contextualize and contextualize_instruction

  3. Add Operation specific ad-hoc questions - ensuring that they are not already covered by standard questions from the referential

  4. Submit a referential patch to the Global Survey Coordinator so that the source referential can be potentially adjusted


For the Operation Survey Focal Point

The Operation Survey Focal Point will mostly benefit from a tool to manage the Annual Survey Management Cycle so that resources allocation can be optimized.

The objective for this role is to create questionnaires (aka one or more than one xlsform, each of them creating a new data collection project...) based on their specific context.
