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5. Stratagem selection

Erik edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 1 revision

First startup

  1. After the intro screen all stratagems are displayed in groups (weapons, equipment, stationary, strike and eagle)
  2. Select a stratagems by clicking on it. The yellow border will turn into a white one which indicates the selection.
  3. You have to pick your 4 specific stratagems from the groups.
  4. The label and the bar at the bottom of the screen shows the progress of your selection.
  • After 4 stratagems have been selected the screen switches from the setup to game mode.
  • If you want to switch to gaming mode with less than 4 stratagems select just click the "Play" button

In-game usage

  • The 4 upper stratagems are the basic items for all operation types (reinforce, resupply, SOS, rearm eagle).
  • The 4 middle stratagems are the ones you selected in the setup procedure.
  • The 2 + 1 lower stratagems are typical items for most operations (S.E.A.F. artillery, hellbomb) and a 5th custom user stratagem if there a bonus stratagems from high command.
  • Just click a strategem to activate the execution of the macro.


  • The Bluetooth icon in the lower right corner indicates the connection state.
    • disconnected
    • connected


  • The USB icon in the lower right corner indicates the connection state.
    • disconnected
    • connected

Change selection

  1. If you want to change your selection just click the "back" button at the bottom left corner.
  2. You screen will switch back from game to setup mode.
  3. Now you can either unselect the unwanted stratagems inside the groups or just click "reset" at the bottom right corner to unselect all selected stratagems from the list.
  4. As soon as you're finished just click the "Play" button or have selected 4 (+1 bonus) stratagems again and the screen will automatically switch from setup to game mode.
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