This repository is used to save some of the tech books I have read or want to read. All of the books here are used for personal reading only and I am not reaponsible for the distribution of the books.
- Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach (Fifth Edition).pdf
- ComputerOrganizationAndDesign5thEdition2014.pdf
- 计算机体系结构:量化研究方法(第五版)(中文版).pdf
- Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition).pdf
- MySQL_InnoDB技术内幕.pdf
- MySQL必知必会(文字版).pdf
- Redis in Action.pdf
- DesignPatterns.pdf
- JAVA并发编程实践JavaConcurrencyinPractice-中文-高清-带书签-完整版(Doug Lea)
- Java 8实战.pdf
- 代码整洁之道.pdf
- 大话设计模式.pdf
- 设计模式_可复用面向对象软件的基础.pdf
Once again, please do not spread all these books and I am not responsible for any kind of illegel actions for this repository.