The 4th release of 2023 brings many updates to Uno Platform, including the much-requested MAUI Embedding, Lightweight Styling along with the new ShadowContainer control, Neumophic Styles, iOS Hot Restart, Wasm CSP Support and more.
Our team is aiming to make you as productive as possible developing with .NET. The community and clients asked for MAUI extensions to be developed to aid them in Xamarin.Forms migration, so we delivered. In addition we support the .NET OSS ecosystem and we regularly contribute to .NET, including the two PRs that are making MAUI embedding more effective (dotnet/maui#16758, dotnet/maui#16803), as well as the latest SkiaSharp 2.88.5 which includes .NET 8 compatibility and WebAssembly fixes.
See our blog post for more details!
- hotrestart: [iOS] Add support for VS 2022 hot restart e74af99
- Enable DispatcherQueueTimer and DispatcherTimer on unit tests 6a70e3d
- pointers: Add (internal) ability to prevent default behavior of pointer events on WASM 5d302d3
- pointers: Update skia hosts init to unify pointer support b2b0a54
- scp: Add ability to reverse pointer wheel on the SCP for managed scrolling on skia and wasm 4be3764
- Support for ProximitySensor on Android 383eb2e
- pointers: Add PointerInputSource for macOS e9941bf
- Support for SingleSelectionFollowsFocus 50ceb6d
Performance Improvements
- Add Alert binding 6c7f6db
- Add ApplicationView bindings a579aa9
- Add AssetsManager bindings b02b729
- Add Automation exports 109938c
- Add BadgeUpdater bindings 60ab27a
- Add ContactPicker bindings b9571c7
- Add DataTransferManager bindings 3769dae
- Add DispatchBackRequest export 45ea17f
- Add DispatchContentChanged export 2e0c9da
- Add DispatchMessage export 9b10802
- Add DispatchNativePositionChange export f178115
- Add DispatchStateChanged export 62bb542
- Add DispatchStatusChanged export b857ab6
- Add DispatchStorageInitialized export c0b6900
- Add DispatchSystemThemeChange export e9b2451
- Add DispatchVisibilityChange export 06f31f2
- Add DisplayInformation exports 68d4243
- Add DisplayRequest bindings 1b60854
- Add DragDropExtension bindings 80bea90
- Add FindDevices binding a16faba
- Add FontFamily exports 41cd620
- Add Gamepad bindings 387cf90
- Add Gamepad exports ec769bf
- Add GenerateGuids export b0c13b1
- Add GetUserAgent binding 74367b5
- Add Gyrometer bindings a841dd2
- Add Gyrometer.DispatchReading export 48b1a69
- Add LightSensor bindings 3de29ad
- Add LightSensor.DispatchReading export 2207ef9
- Add Lottie bindings 89b89fe
- Add Magnetometer bindings 8911155
- Add Magnetometer.DispatchReading export 2e1f623
- Add MidiDeviceConnectionWatcher bindings 0da6c21
- Add MidiInPort bindings c01a392
- Add NetworkInformation bindings cca5e0d
- Add OnNativeDropEvent export 7114313
- Add Open binding b64414c
- Add RegisterProtocolHandler binding d412b4a
- Add RequestAsync binding 1a6e598
- Add SendBuffer binding 6a75970
- Add SpeechRecognizer bindings 22daa68
- Add SpeechRecognizer exports 207f109
- Add SystemNavigationManager bindings 81dd293
- Add VibrationDevice bindings 342f2c3
- Proper cancellation for XamlFileParser 463d921
- Reduce array allocations when setting a single property on Wasm 9634171
- AnalyticsInfo: Add GetDeviceType binding 6146848
- ApplicationViewTitleBar: Add SetBackgroundColor binding 8d54f1a
- Clipboard: Add GetTextAsync binding 582ff39
- ConnectionProfile: Add HasInternetAccess binding 13d39e9
- CoreWindow: Add SetCursor binding c3ee894
- DisplayInformation: Add SetOrientationAsync binding 9cdf0b7
- FileSavePicker: Add SaveAs binding ed5ef1b
- Add WebAuthenticationBrokerProvider bindings d3b2e48
- MSAL: Add AuthenticateAsync binding ec977f6
- WindowManager: Add GetNaturalImageSizeAsync binding 223c0e6
Bug Fixes
- android: Propagate theme change to all list view items properly 97dc9ac
- android_clipping: Fixed clipping was applied on Android when opacity (Alpha) where less than 1. 7c69057
- assets: Adjust assets caching by including assembly and package versions d7317ff
- CameraCaptureUI: [iOS] Adjust camera capture for recent iOS builds 520e3af
- ComboBox: Adjust incorrect visual state update 0422986
- fb: Adjust initialization for framebuffer host b66e798
- fb: Don't validate textbox features when IOverlayTextBoxViewExtension is not avialble 2f6fd2c
- filepicker: add delegate for image picker 41b16bc
- flyout: fix dismiss flyout on Escape cb89661
- flyout: open flyout on tap 78ba0bb
- Input: Properly update last input device type on Skia and WASM db7ba1f
- ios: an instance of ListView crash during layout 3d0a558
- iOS: ListView delete item with Bindings eccdb9b
- listview: [Android] Adjust datacontext for header/footer for ListView 42453be
- listview: [iOS] Adjust datacontext for header/footer for ListView e51355a
- listview: add ctrl support for keyboard navigation in ListView 87620d3
- listview: add support for Ctrl+Click unselecting e161fae
- ListView: [iOS] Ensure that the DataContext propagates properly to Header/Footer f0fa91d
- net8: Ensure that roslyn generators can be used when
is empty 722ad06 - scrollviewer: raise PointerEnter/Exit when scrolling causes the pointer to be over a new item ae436b6
- slider: fix dragging when the initial press is not on the thumb 2a19610
- TextBlock: [Skia] Fix unsupported symbols rendering 5ffb03b
- TextBlock: fix the whitespace missing issue of TextBlock Inline 90c29b4
- ToggleSwitch: Don't force end position when ToggleSwitch is unloaded 830f517
- vs: Restore intellisense for non-windows targets 50255d5
- WebView: Update Android navigation properties on JS-based history changes fac11f6
- WebView: Update iOS navigation properties on JS-based history changes 11f2de9
- xamlreader: attached-property in setter 35a6aeb
- xamlreader: res-dict parsing 362e2a6
- Adjust hotrestart disable property b04c179
- Align Duration behavior with WinUI e0bd26e
- Avoid duplicate SyncDataContext 74e8472
- Avoid propagating routed events up from PopupPanel 3f7c219
- Avoid throwing if result of ExecuteScriptAsync is null 38cfd0f
- Avoid unsetting item container DataContext 5250ebc, closes #12845
- Correcting event handler removal cc6997c
- Correctly raise ImageFailed on Skia 620c190
- docs markdown tab d18abe2
- Don't generate hotrestart stubs when maui is present 845edcb
- Ensure CalendarView item styles are updated properly on reload dc00963
- Ensure ThemeResource bindings are properly updated when style is applied 341cd26
- Ensure Window size is initialized for Android a52a3d1
- Fix TemplateBinding not working with attached DPs 06d2261
- Fix toggle switch knob translation 37fe8ae
- Fix x:Bind not considering inherited methods for events b293cda
- Image with explicit size is not arranged correctly c3cc5b0
- Implementing IDisposable and detaching event handlers 1bf5fad
- MediaPlayerElement does not play a local source 25e3d33
- Prevent nested elements with GestureRecognizers from raising overlapping events e2b9066
- Propagate theme change to TextBlock inlines ab9df61
- Properly display PosterSource for MediaPlayerElement on all platforms 9f0a507
- Properly generate code for items in custom dictionary 8a208e8
- Properly update WebView history properties 8c30254
- Raise ImageFailed properly on Android adab001
- Respect HyperlinkForeground 5c7b93d
- Set initial Window size earlier on WASM a883ba8
- Uno Islands sample apps had incorrect targets set 4ef38b2
- droid: CommandBar AppBar Icon crashing 8ff5e83
- droid: nullable types 9580db2
- Adjust DispatcherQueueTimer behavior to match WinUI 94318ef
- Adjust DispatcherQueueTimer on Android to match WinUI behavior 5ed9e54
- DispatcherTimer with default Interval on Skia and WASM f43af6c
- Use fallback color for unsupported brushes 67657f1
- AutoSuggestBox: adjust the parameter of SubmitSearch f5c17e3
- AutoSuggestBox: fix the AutoSuggestBox not working when using custom ItemContainerStyle 1041d3f
- AutoSuggestBox: fix the issue that e.ChosenSuggestion is incorrect 7c3911b
- AutoSuggestBox: fix the issue that SuggestionList is not updated properly 5a502ac
- AutoSuggestBox: Init the ChosenSuggestion to null after calling the QuerySubmitted handler 8b4624a
- AutoSuggestBox: optimize the code 90bd0a7
- AutoSuggestBox: return null as ChosenSuggestion when query button is clicked c471dc1
- AutoSuggestBox: set QueryText to _textBox.Text d0b99ae
- AutoSuggestBox): revert "fix(AutoSuggestBox: Init the ChosenSuggestion to null after calling the QuerySubmitted handler" e45dafa
- ContentControl: set Content null when using ComboBox 1eaea2a
- droid: SVGImageSource open file when custom downloader 1c94322
- FileOpenPicker: iOS open image library when using PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary c7e92ef
- gtk: report gtk init error through stderr. 5da0b4b
- ImageSource: SvgImageSource crashing on null uri abc8426
- iOS: SVGImageSource null exception efc6778
- linux: Adjust initial position on ubuntu distro d378ff9
- lottie: Fixed a regression where the lottie module where not properly loaded when the was used in the csproj baa1652
- media: Adjust error reporting on libVLC initialization 246621f
- media: adjust packaging for Skia.Gtk be2fc32
- media: Adjust render surface for linux d933b7d
- media: Don't layout on zero SarDen 84facec
- media: Enable nullable for Transport controls 3a87db6
- media: Enable nullable for Transport controls e24fd99
- media: more button not hidden 8a67fae
- media: Only show transport controls on mouse move 8d2d3f1
- media: Potential child window positioning error for gtk 267078f
- mediaPlayerElement: Fix clipping + possible event handler leaks + possible null ref exception with custom template 7e460b0
- mpe: Adjust error messages for wasm and skia 57700f8
- mpe: Adjust for looping availability 44b80f7
- mpe: Adjust gtk playback render surface sizing 41ac680
- mpe: Adjust natural position update bd1c126
- mpe: AutoPlay=false stuck in Opening state 204a034
- mpe: Disable progressbar when player is not loading or buffering 6befe9d
- Pointers: Defer pointers initialization dbbac8c
- progressBar: IsIndeterminate don't trigger SetProgressBarIndicatorWidth when widths didn't change 313c689
- reg: Fix Wheel support on WPF 0877b38
- skia: Fix MouseWheelDelta values (add hard coded factor of 120 + fix inconsistent direction) 35065bd
- NavViewItem might remain in over state when auto dismiss on click e1ce8d1
- mpe: Ensure visual states are reflected based when binding the player 114adb6
- mpe: fix for macOS failure on not available player b0ee28f
- mpe: MTC show&hide behaviors 7946d6f
- MPE: MediaTransportControls visuals 43673a8
- Android Window/VisibleBounds calc 56fd87c
- Respect Exif orientation when displaying images on Android 13ee0ad
- Set BitmapSource's PixelWidth/PixelHeight properly f416e23
- pointers: Use ContentRoot instead of Window.Current (support for pointer exited in XamlIsland) 86d42f2
- reg: Fix pointers init on macOS and injector init for tests 1903ea1
- Selector: check for int for SelectedIndex 83377bc
- ToolTip: add the missing part 390aee5