To build this project, you will need the following: Robot:Tiago
$cd ros/workspaces/workspace
$source devel/setup.bash Exercise 1****
Launch a world with a table of items and tiago and YOLO
$ roslaunch object_detection_world tiago.launch world_suffix:=tutorial2
Lower Tiago's head
$ rostopic pub /head_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory "header: seq: 0 stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0} frame_id: '' joint_names: ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] points:
- positions: [0.0, -0.7] velocities: [] accelerations: [] effort: [] time_from_start: {secs: 2, nsecs: 0}"
Exercise 2**** Check /perception_msgs/Rect
$ rostopic echo /perception_msgs/Rect
Exercise 3**** Launch Point cloud segmentation
$ roslaunch plane_segmentation plane_segmentation_tiago.launch
Change topic of Point Cloud in RViz to see point cloud with objects only/ with table surface only/ with objects and table surface
Exercise 4****
$ roslaunch object_labeling object_labeling.launch
Change topic of Point cloud to /labeled_objects