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Various music-related tweaks/tips/scripts. Includes fuzzy selection of artist/genre/album script and albumart in the console script


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Various MP3 and MPD tweaks, tips, tools, and scripts I've put together or found and tweaked.


  1. stream_to_mpd

  2. f_fix_covers

  3. yad_show_mpd



  6. terminal-multiplexer

  7. bpmhelper

  8. mp3gainhelper

  9. terminal_multiplexer







  • streamlink
  • grep, awk,curl,wget, and zenity, all likely included in your distro packaging.

Feed this utility a stream (including anything streamlink can handle, such as twitch music streamers) and it will pipe it through to your MPD server or save the stream URL in a file (such as an MPD playlist). Uses zenity for gui dialogs if you do not specify elements on the commandline. Originally inspired by this blog post

Usage: stream_to_mpd [OPTIONS] [STREAM_URL]

--host PASSWORD@HOST: Needed if your MPD server is not on localhost or you have a password set
--mpd : skip right to MPD output
--playlist : skip right to adding stream URL to a file/playlist
--native : Throw the result to streamlink (probably not needed, but hey)
--bookmarks : use zenity to choose a hardcoded bookmark instead of a stream URL


This is to finally fix those f'in covers in your music directory and to synchronize them between cover.jpg, folder.jpg and what's embedded in the file. (Standard disclaimer: It worked on my system and files, I've done my best to catch edge cases, but backup your files first or use --safe.)

If they all match, it will ensure they're all the same. If one or more locations is missing the cover, it will add it there. (Including embedded in the MP3 with --autoembed.

If the cover.jpg, folder.jpg, or embedded cover differ, it will present them to you (with an audible alarm if you use --ping) so that you can select the correct one. If you choose none of them, it will search online for cover art.

If you use --safe it will merely output what commands it would run.

If you use --remove it will remove existing covers from MP3s before adding the chosen cover.

If you use --loud it will spit a lot of stuff out onto the terminal. Some sub-commands output text to $STDOUT whether I want them to or not.

If you use --checkall, it will prompt you to confirm each album cover, even if it all matches.

You can also force it to search online for each album using --everything, which implies --checkall in practice, as the checksum of a downloaded cover probably is slightly different than what you have.

Which sounds like a lot, but you can point at your entire music collection, or just at a specific album directory. Feed the ones you want to check in one at a time with xargs if you feel like it.

Two important notes:

  1. This script assumes that each directory contains the same album, even if the artists are different. You will get wrong results if you have a bunch of different MP3s from different albums in the same directory.
  2. If there is a single existing cover -- or single version, rather -- in the directory, the script assumes it is correct and will automatically assume that it is the correct cover. If you want to verify existing covers, use --checkall or --everything.




  • -h|--help : This.
  • -a|--autoembed : Embed found, selected covers into MP3s.
  • -p|--ping : Play audible tone when user input needed.
  • -r|--remove : Remove existing embedded images in MP3s when cover found.
  • -c|--checkall : Manually verify all album covers, even if only one.
  • -e|--everything : Check online for covers for every album.
  • -s|--safe : Just say what it would do, do not actually do operations.
  • -l|--loud : Verbose output.
  • -d|--dir [DIR] : Specify the music directory to scan.

Dependencies (or the stuff that does the heavy lifting):

The following can be installed on Debian/Ubuntu based systems by: sudo apt install feh mpg123 imagemagick ffmpeg grep sed wget curl coreutils.

  • feh
  • mpg123 or mplayer or mpv
  • imagemagick
  • ffprobe from ffmpeg
  • grep
  • sed
  • wget
  • curl
  • timeout from coreutils


This script -- which should also have an image file named defaultcover.jpg in its directory -- requires mpc, imagemagick, and YAD to create a popup with the albumart and trackname of the currently playing song from MPD, the music player daemon or audacity with the use of audtool.

It assumes your music directory is in ${HOME}/Music, that your album art is named either cover.jpg or folder.jpg and that mpc is already set up correctly. The window will auto-close after 10 seconds.

It will attempt to use the environment variable MPD_HOST, and if it is not found, will examine ${HOME}/.bashrc to see if it is set there (if a non-login shell) and set it for the program. If you have a password set for MPD, you must use MPD_HOST=Password@host for it to work.


The first version is kind of a hack-y way to show terminal covers in the terminal. It's if you're interested.

The second version of is much better. Using the basic logic (and limited cache system) as yadshow above, along with help from qdbus, it's able to pick up covers from a much wider range of players without any user input. Currently supports Clementine, Strawberry, PlexAmp, and MPD out of the box (in that order of priority).

Note for MPD

You should set MPD_HOST or have it exist in .bashrc; if neither is set, it will go with the defaults, which will fail if you have a password set. MPD_HOST=PASSWORD@HOST If you have a non-standard port, you'll need to edit the script. It assumes your music's base directory is ${HOME}/Music. also uses a range of tools to convert the image into something even a pretty non-advanced terminal can show. It rounds rectangles of the coverart (useful if you pickup the resulting image with something like conky) using imagemagick if installed, and will use (in this order) these tools to render the images: timg, jp2a,, asciiart. jp2a and asciiart are in Debian repositories, but timg is worth it. can also optionally give you a notification via notify-send if you run it with --notify as the (only) argument.

It runs in a terminal window on a timed 2-second loop. If the song information is unchanged, it does nothing. If it's changed (either because another player started or the track changed), then it figures out what the album art is and goes from there.

You can also use the output files in ${HOME}/.cache/yadshow/ with other programs to get the song information and cover as well.


  • mpc
  • qdbus -- in the qtchooser package on Debian

One or more of the following:


(The image above also has cava, scope-tui, and ternminal in it, and is using timg for the art.)

Select whether you want to choose a playlist, or by album, artist, or genre. Clears playlist (IF YOU USE THE SWITCH -c), adds what you chose, starts playing. Optionally, if fzf is installed on the system, it will seamlessly substitute that program in, with the option to select multiple entries at once (use TAB).

You can also use the command line argument nowalbum or nowartist to add the currently playing album or all of the album artist's tracks to the queue (put -c first to have it clear the queue first).

The SSH version is for exactly that, especially if you don't have pick on that machine. The file does not clear the queue so that you can add to the existing playlist.


Optional Dependency



Uses tmux, xterm, ncmpcpp, cava, and terminal covers to provide a nice layout. Title set to screen by wmctrl. No tmux.conf file needed. Inspired by this reddit post.


One or more of the following:

AA-lib asciiart img2txt

Uses the bpm-tag package, which analyzes BPM quite nicely on linux, but doesn't preserve the file date. So this wrapper uses eyeD3 to determine if a BPM is already written, then if not, analyzes the file, then uses eyeD3 to do the writing to the file. I already have eyeD3 for the album art script; a solution that does not rely on that dependency can be found at bpmwrap.

bpm-tag outputs error messages if you do not have id3v2 already installed and thus makes the script fail. Install the debian package id3v2.

Accepts two command line arguments (optional)

Use --save-existing to save existing data.
Use --skip-existing to skip further analysis of those that have existing BPM Use --quiet to suppress output (eyeD3 may still output to the screen)

Analyzes the current directory and all subdirectories.


Well, switched to loudgain which uses a (better) way of calculating gain. HOWEVER, unlike mp3gain, it does not have a way to preserve file date and time. So the gainhelper is still here.

Accepts only one command line argument (optional) giving the directory to analyze. Otherwise analyzes the current directory and all subdirectories.


Very simple script to make your album covers accessible by MPoD or other remote clients without exposing your entire music directory by copying the cover files to the webserver root. (You need to edit this, obvs.)


This script uses the MPRIS interface to control your media players.
Currently supported players include MPD, Pithos, Audacious, and Clementine


Various music-related tweaks/tips/scripts. Includes fuzzy selection of artist/genre/album script and albumart in the console script








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