🔭 I’m currently working on:
- 🔵 Reacts frameworks and best pratices
- 🟢 Nodejs with AWS
- 🟢 Learning bests pratices as a software developer
- 🔴 some challenges and algorithms with rust, javascript and python
- 🔵 UI clones with React.js and Angular
- ⚫ Reading the book: Entendendo Algoritmos: Um Guia Ilustrado Para Programadores e Outros Curiosos
🌱 I’m aways learning about front-end and now i'm doing some stuff with Angular
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any projects that can help myself to leraning more about my stack
💬 Ask me about anything on my DM or E-mail, the link is in my profile
⚡ Fun fact: I like Java, i studied for 2 semesters, and I still like the language to this day
Down here have some projects that I'm working on or already finished, if you like, please give a Star