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The datagenerator tool is currently (December '24) under development. Additional features and capabilities will be added over time.

The datagenerator tool allows to generate random data. The aim is to have a tool that generates data in a way which is flexible enough to satisfy the needs of developers or analysts or anybody else who needs some sort of test data - possibly with dependencies between individual fields and variying/definable distribution of fieldConfiguration values.

The tool requires a yaml file which contains configuration details for the tool itself, including attributes for the export of the generated data to files. A second yaml file defines how the data is generated in terms of fields, field weight and other attributes. Some of the configuration attributes may also be passed as arguments when running the datagenerator tool. In this case these will override the same attributes from the configuration files.

Samples, wordlists (category files) and details for the configuration can be found in the samples folder in this repository.


  • select random values from word lists
  • generate random strings, numbers or floating point numbers
  • generate random dates and timestamps. generate date fields referencing another date field
  • generate random data according to a given regular expression (to be implemented)
  • transform the generated data values: uppercase, lowercase, base64 encode, negate, round, encrypt and more
  • export rows of generated data in CSV, Excel or Json
  • export rows of generated data in Parquet format - including partitioning
  • define nested structures for the data output

Types of generators

Different types of generators are available to generate different type of data such as strings, numbers, dates, etc.

For each field specified in the yaml configuration file one of the generators has to be defined by specifying a field type in the data configuration file.

The type for each field can be one of following values:

  • category
  • randomstring
  • randomlong
  • randomdouble
  • randomdate
  • randomtimestamp
  • datereference

If no type is specified then type=category is assumed.

Some of the generators allow to specify a transformation. It is applied after a value is generated. When one or more parameters are listed for a transformation, these need to be specified in the configuration. You may also specify multiple transformations. Find below a list of transformations for the individual generator types.

Random Strings

This type of generator (type=randomstring) generates purely random text. The options in the yaml configuration file allow to specify the range of characters to be used for constructing the random text. Additional options allow to specify the minimum and maximum length. Setting minLength=maxLength will create a constant length string.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
minLength minimum length of the value long 0
maxLength maximum length of the value long 40
randomCharacters characters to be used when generating the value String [a-z] + [A-Z] + [0-9] + [-_]

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters
uppercase convert the value to uppercase none
lowercase convert the value to lowercase none
reverse reverse the characters of the value none
base64encode encode the value to base64 format none
trim remove leading and trailing spaces none
maskLeading mask leading characters of the value using a mask character number of characters to mask (long), mask character(s) to use (string)
maskTrailing mask trailing characters of the value using a mask character number of characters to mask (long), mask character(s) to use (string)
replaceAll replaces each substring of the value that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement regular expression (string), replacement (string)

Random Numbers

This generator (type=randomlong) allows to generate numbers. The options for this type of generator allow to specify a lowerbound and upperbound for the generated value.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
minValue minimum value long 0
maxValue maximum value long 1000000

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters

Random Floating Point Numbers

This generator (type=randomdouble) allows to generate floating point numbers. The options for this type of generator allow to specify a lowerbound and upperbound for the generated value.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
minValue minimum value long 0
maxValue maximum value long 1000000

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters
round round the value using rounding mode HALF_UP number of decimal places (integer)

Random Dates

This generator (type=randomdate) allows to generate dates. The options for this type of generator allow to specify a minimum and maximun year, as well as the output format for the generated value.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
minYear minimum value long 2020
maxYear maximum value long 2030
dateFormat output format of the date (Java SimpleDateFormat) string yyyy-MM-dd
outputType how data should be output. possible values: string or long string string

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters

Random Timestamps

This generator (type=randomtimestamp) allows to generate timestamps. The options for this type of generator allow to specify a minimum and maximun year, as well as the output format for the generated value.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
minYear minimum value long 2020
maxYear maximum value long 2030
dateFormat output format of the date (Java SimpleDateFormat) string yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters

Date Reference

This generator (type=datereference) allows to generate a date string based on another date. This means that the values of this date and the referenced date correspond to each other. The options for this type of generator allow to specify the date field that shall be referenced, as well as the output format for the generated value.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
reference name of the field which is the reference date string
dateFormat output format of the date (Java SimpleDateFormat) string yyyy-MM-dd

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters
toQuarter If the dateFormat of the field is "MM" it will be converted to the relevant quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) none
toHalfYear If a result of the field is "MM" it will be converted to the relevant half year (H1, H2) none

Word lists

Word lists allow to define values for certain categories such as "weekdays", "seasons", "car types", "first names", etc. in a file. The generator (type=category) will randomly pick a value from the configured word list file. Word lists are simple text files where each row contains one value. As such all values of the word lists are treated as strings (even if you have a word list containing e.g numbers).

Using word lists offers a few advantages:

  • word lists can be stored in a directory hierarchy where e.g. different directories contain the same word lists but in different languages or the structure defines word lists for different environments (test/production)
  • word lists can be created from a data extract from a database, such as a select distinct on a certain column
  • word lists can be constructed from a script processing a data file or consuming a Rest API
  • word lists can be constructed or changed easily using a simple text editor

In the yaml configuration, additional values for a given word list (also values which are already defined in the word list file) may be defined, including a weight for individual values. This allows to specify a higher priority/weight for defined values. The weight of a value is always specified on the base of 100 percent.

E.g. one may define the days of the week in a word list file and in the configuration file "Saturday" with a weight of 10 percent and "Sunday" with a weight of 10 percent. The other days "Monday" to "Friday" will then be assigned a weight of 16 percent so that the overall sum of percentages is 100 %.

If a value for a given word list appears both in the word list file and the yaml configuration file, the setting from the configuration will overrule the value from the word list file.

The datagenerator will then produce random data (pick random values from the word list) according to the weights assigned. In the example above "saturday" and "sunday" will occur less often in the generated number of rows then the other days, because these values have a lower weight.

A word list is optional. All values to be used for randomly generating data can also be defined solely in the yaml configuration file. Anyway, the sum of the weight definition must be 100 percent (and can not exceed 100 percent). Individual values can not be negative percentage values.

NOTE: If values and their weight are specified in a word lists but for some values no weight is defined, the datagenerator will calculate the weight for those fields that have no weight definition and equally distribute the weight value. But, depending on the number of values without a weight definition, it might not be possible to exactly evenly distribute the value. In this case some values from the word list might get a slightly higher weight value. If weight definitions are assigned in a way that the remaining percentage for the other values is less than 1 percent an error occurs.

Available options:

Option Description Data Type Default
categoryFileSeparator separator between value and weight in category file string ,

Available transformations:

Transformation Description Parameters
uppercase convert the value to uppercase none
lowercase convert the value to lowercase none
reverse reverse the characters of the value none
prepend add a prefix to the value prefix to add (string)
append add a suffix to the value suffix to add (string)
base64encode encode the value to base64 format none
encrypt encrypt the value using AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding algorithm none
maskLeading mask leading characters of the value using a mask character number of characters to mask (long), mask character(s) to use (string)
maskTrailing mask trailing characters of the value using a mask character number of characters to mask (long), mask character(s) to use (string)
trim remove leading and trailing spaces none
replaceAll replaces each substring of the value that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement regular expression (string), replacement (string)

Processing steps

First, the given program configuration and the data configuration yaml files are analyzed for their correctness. Any existing table definitions and data is removed from the DuckDb, if a file with the specified name of the database is found.

After that the value for each field is generated and then transformed (if any transformation options are specified). The fields are processed sequentially and build a row of data. The tool generates the desired number of rows and stores it in a local DuckDb instance. Finally, the data is exported to the desired output format.

The DuckDb database is not deleted after the process is completed. You can remove it manually or otherwise further use the generated data in the database.

Yaml configuration for the datagenerator2 tool

The configuration file contains various attributes to steer the behavior of the datagenerator tool.

  • the name of the export file for the generated data
  • the type of the export file: csv, excel, parquet or json
  • the number of rows to generate
  • after how many generated rows a log message will be output
  • details for the export to a csv file - delimiter and header settings
  • details for the export to a json file - output as separate lines or as array
  • details for the export to a parquet file or partitioned file
  • details for the export to an excel file

See the sample yaml files in this repository under: samples/programconfiguration.

Yaml configuration for the definition of fields to generate

The configuration file contains a list of fields/attributes to generate - see the sample yaml files in this repository under: samples/dataconfiguration. For each field, options and transformations may be defined depending on the type of generator used.

There are three generic attributes defined in the configuration file: name, databaseName and tableName. The name attribute assign a name to the configuration but is otherwise not used. The databaseName attribute defines the path and name for the duckdb database that is used to collect the generated data. the tableName attribute defines the table of the duchdb database where the generated is stored. If you run a configuration multiple times but with different table names, the database will contain the data of both runs. If you run a configuration multiple times but do not change the tablename, the data of the second run will overwrite all data of the first run (the data of the first run will be removed).

Fields is a list of fields for which data is to be generated. Each field has a unique name. A substructure can be created by dividing the structure and the field name with the dot separator - eg. address.street,,, etc. This will e.g. create a substructure named "address" with the fields street and city. Multiple levels/substructures may be defined. Each field is assigned a type. Fields may have additional (optional) options. Fields may have one or more transformations assigned and the transformations may require additional parameters to be executed. Be aware to not create duplicate structures. Like e.g. when you create a structure then you can not also have a structure or But you can of course have a structure

Fields of type=category may either specify valid values in the configuration file or in a category file or both, but one of them must be present. The definition for values contains the value itself and optionally a weight for the value.

Running the datagenerator tool

To run the tool you must pass at least the mandatory arguments to the program as shown below. These point to the program configuration file and the data configuration file. You may pass the other arguments, which will override the relevant default value as well as the value from the programm configuration file.

Program arguments:

Argument Type Default Description
-n= optional 10000 number of rows to generate
-l= optional 1000 interval for log messages during data generation
-g= optional INFO log level to be used for logging output. must be one out of: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
-xp=<path + filename> optional datagenerator_export.csv path and filename of the export file
-xt= optional csv type of the export to generate. possible values: csv, excel, json, parquet
-dc=<path + filename> mandatory -none- path and filename of tha data configuration yaml file
-pc=<path + filename> mandatory -none- path and filename of tha program configuration yaml file
-s optional false output statistics for the generated field values

Run the datagenerator tool:

java -cp . com.datamelt.utilities.datagenerator.application.DataGenerator -pc=<program configuration file> -dc=<data configuration file>

You can get help about the available program arguments by running:

java -cp . com.datamelt.utilities.datagenerator.application.DataGenerator --help

See the sample yaml file for the program configuration in this repository under: samples/dataconfiguration

You may also use the tool programmatically by calling the static method "generateRows". Pass the path and name of the dataconfiguration yaml file and the number of rows to be generated. The method returns a list of rows (com.datamelt.utilities.datagenerator.generate.Row).

List<Row> generateRows(String dataConfigurationFilename, long numberOfRows)

Building the datagenerator jar file

To build the jar file either download the release from or clone this repository and run:

mvn clean install

last update: uwe geercken - [email protected] - 2024-12-01