By: TA Zoli Nahoczki | [email protected]
Git is a very important topic to understand when going into the software engineering world. It is used to hold all of our code and ensure all of our versions are tracked.
A resource to help understand how git commits and branching works I would recommend running through some of the “learngitbranching” site:
Along with this, Github provides us with a platform to use git and store our code in the cloud. Github has a feature where developers can create a pull request and allow developers to review that request before merging into a branch
I have created a repo for everyone to use. The objective is to create a new branch (branched off develop) with the naming scheme “hw/GITHUB_ID” (replace GITHUB_ID with your github name) and make a commit or two (you can edit or make new files) then push your branch up. After pushing your branch up you will open a pull request into the develop branch.
Also after opening your pull request, make a review on someone else’s pull request but do not merge.
- Clone the repo
- Create new branch (“hw/GITHUB_ID”)
- Modify files or add files and commit
- Push changes & branch to remote
- Open a pull request
- Review someone else’s pull request
You will be turning in the final product of the above description.
Items graded will be: your branch, pull request, and review
If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on teams! ([email protected])
AndrewPKrueger5000 was here. And now he's going to push.