Consult the ChangeLog for a summary of changes between releases
Clone the repository with the --recursive option to automatically clone submodules.
If you are a developer, use
git clone --recursive
If you are an end-user and want to clone the latest stable release, use
git clone --recursive --branch stable
Install NodeJS, if needed, from here.
We highly recommend using yarn to manage the dependencies instead of npm
Start the development application locally:
yarn install
yarn start
The application runs at http://localhost:8081
afterwards. You can change the address and port
by tweaking the start
script in package.json
, i.e.
"start": "npm run themesconfig && webpack-dev-server --progress --colors --host <ip_addr> --port <port>"
There are five main configuration files:
: This file configures which components and which map projections are compiled into the application bundle, the human readable labels for the EPSG codes as well as the available locales. Changing this file will require a re-deployment of the application. -
: This file controls the plugin configuration (whether they are enabled in desktop/mobile plus plugin specific configuration) and also stores some global properties. This file can be changed without re-deploying the application. -
: This file contains variables for the main styling properties (mainly colors). Changing this file will require a re-deployment of the application. -
: This file configures the themes which will be available in the application, see below for details. -
: This is the main entry point of the application. Among other things, the window title is set here. This file can be changed without re-deploying the application.
In addition, there are some additional important files (changing any of these files will require a re-depolyment of the application):
: This component is displayed when selecting Help in the Application Menu. It can be customized as desired. -
: This file contains the implementation of the search providers. The key names for the providers specified in themodule.exports
in this file can be listed undersearchProviders
to control which search servies are available for which themes. -
: This is a global style sheet which can contain any desired style tweaks.
The map projection is configured individually for each theme in themesConfig.json
(see below).
Remember to register the projection you wish to use in js/appConfig.js
Note that the leaflet backend currently does not support projections other than EPSG:3857
Themes and map scales are configured in themesConfig.json
Configuration format:
"themes": {
"items": [
"url": "<http://localhost/wms/theme>",
"title": "<Custom theme title>", // optional, use WMS title if not set
"thumbnail": "<filename>", // optional image file in assets/img/mapthumbs, if not set uses WMS GetMap to generate the thumbnail and stores it in assets/img/mapthumbs
"attribution": "<Attribution>", // optional theme attribution
"attributionUrl": "<attribution URL>", // optional theme attribution URL
"default": true, // optional, set this as the initial theme
"scales": [25000, 10000, 5000, 2500], // optional, custom map scales, defaults to defaultScales (see below)
"printScales": [25000, 10000, 5000, 2500], // optional, confined list of available print scales, defaults to defaultPrintScales (see below)
"printResolutions": [150, 300, 600], // optional, confined list of abailable print resolutions, defaults to defaultPrintResolutions (see below)
"printGrid": [ // optional, list of grid intervals to use for various scales when printing.
{"s": 10000, x: 1000, y: 1000}, // Keep this list sorted in descending order by scale (s)
{"s": 1000, x: 100, y: 100}, // In this example, {x: 100, y: 100} will be used for 1000 <= scale < 10000
... // If not specified, defaultPrintGrid will be usd (see below)
"printLabelForSearchResult": "<labelid>" // optional, a labelid in the print composition where to insert the label of the selected search result
"printLabelConfig": { // optional, configuration of input textareas for print composition labels.
"labelId": {
"rows": 4,
"maxLength: "40"
"extent": [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], // optional custom extent which overrides extent from WMS capabilities
"tiled": true, // optional, use tiled WMS (default is false)
"format": "image/png", // optional, the image format to use in the WMS request, defaults to image/png
"backgroundLayers": [ // optional background layers
"name": "<background layer name>", // background layer name from list below
"printLayer": "<qgis layer name>", // optional, name of a qgis layer to use as equivalent background layer when printing
"visibility": true // optional initial visibility on topic selection
"searchProviders": ["<search provider>"], // optional search providers
"mapCrs: "EPSG:3857", // optional, the map projection, defaults to EPSG:3857
"additionalMouseCrs": ["<epsg code>"] // optional list of additional CRS for mouse position (map projection and WGS84 are listed by default). Make sure proj defs are loaded in js/appConfig.js.
"watermark": { // optional, configuration of watermark to place on raster-export images
"text": "<watermark text>",
"texpadding": "1", // optional, padding between text and frame, in points
"fontsize": "14", // optional, font size
"fontfamily": "sans", // optional, font family
"fontcolor": "#0000FF", // optional, font color
"backgroundcolor": "#FFFFFF", // optional, background color of the frame
"framecolor": "#000000", // optional, color of the frame border
"framewidth": 1 // optional, width of the frame border, in pixels
"collapseLayerGroupsBelowLevel": <level> // optional, layer tree level below which to initially collapse groups. If unspecified, groups are not initially collapsed.
"skipEmptyFeatureAttributes": true // optional, whether to skip empty feature attributes in the identify results. Default is false.
"groups": [ // optional, nested groups
"title": "<Group title>",
"items": [
"url": "<http://localhost/wms/group_theme>"
"groups": [
// subgroups
"backgroundLayers": [ // optional list of background layers for themes
"name": "<background layer name>", // referenced by themes
"title": "<Background layer title>",
"thumbnail": "<filename>", // optional image file in assets/img/mapthumbs, use default.jpg if not set
... // layer params (excluding "group" and "visibility")
"defaultScales": [50000, 25000, 10000, 5000], // required, default map scales
"defaultPrintScales": [50000, 25000, 10000, 5000],// optional, confined list of available print scales. If not specified, scale is freely choosable.
"defaultPrintResolutions": [150, 300, 600], // optional, confined list of abailable print resolutions. If not specified, resolution is freely choosable.
"defaultPrintGrid": [<as printGrid above>] // optional, list of grid intervals to use for various scales when printing, no grid is primted if omitted
yarn run themesconfig
requests the capabilities of all WMS services and
generates a runtime configuration themes.json
. It is automatically run on
yarn start
. To update the themes.json
of a deployed application, just run
yarn run themesconfig
in the development tree and copy the resulting
to the production folder.
The following parameters can appear in the URL:
: The active themel
: The visible layers in the mapbl
: The visible background layerst
: The search texte
: The visible extentc
: The center of the visible extents
: The current scalecrs
: The CRS of extent/center coordinates
The urlPositionFormat
parameter in config.json
determines whether extent or
center + scale appear in the URL. Allowed values are extent
and centerAndZoom
Default is extent
The urlPositionCrs
parameter in config.json
determines the CRS to use for the
extent/center coordinates in the URL. The value is an EPSG code (i.e. EPSG:4326
Default is the map projection.
If urlPositionCrs
is equal to the map projection, the crs
parameter is
omitted in the URL, but it can be manually added to the URL to specify the initial
extent/center in a desired CRS.
#Toggle on/off groups sublayers
In config.json
by changing the boolean value of the groupTogglesSublayers
under the LayerTree
, you can configure the wanted behavior, for mobile and for
A server component is necessary for generating and resolving permalinks.
A sample server can be found here.
The url to the server must be specified under qwc2serverUrl
in config.json
Translations are stored in the data.<locale>
files stored under translations
These are plain text files in JSON format. Translations available to the application
need to be listed under supportedLocales
in js/appConfig.js
When running yarn start
(or manually yarn run tsupdate
), translations from
the common QWC2 components, located in qwc2/translations
, are automatically
merged. This ensures the translations remain up-to-date when updating the qwc2
submodule. The languages for which translations need to be generated are listed
under translations/tsconfig.json
. If you ship applications-specific components,
you must list the message ids in the strings
section of translations/tsconfig.json
analogously to qwc2/translations/tsconfig.json
You can test a locale by adding the locale
query parameter to the URL, i.e. locale=de
You can also override the locale in config.json
via the locale
yarn run prod
The files created inside ./prod
can then be deployed to a web server.
If you deploy to a folder other than the root of the web server, be sure to adjust
the asset paths in styleConfig.js
and config.json
QGIS Server doesn't emit a HTTP header with a file name, which usually results in an ugly file name for print outputs. Therefore the web server should add a Content-Disposition
Example for Apache:
SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/wms.*/(.+)$" project_name=$1
Header always setifempty Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=%{project_name}e.pdf" "expr=%{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'application/pdf'"
This example uses the setenvif
and the headers
a2enmod setenvif
a2enmod headers