DIGGER Digger user Python/Flask framework that talks to a Postgres database via SQLAlchemy.Uers can signup/login and check their dogs in/out of the park using checkin/checkout button. Digger plots this activity log into graphs using chart.js. List of dogs in the park helps users decide whether they really want to take their dogs to the park.
Table of Contents: Tech Stack Features Setup/Installation To-Do License
Tech Stack:
Frontend: HTML%, Javascript, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy Graph: Chart.js API: openWeatherMap
Features: User can Sign_up or if they have an account they can login to the Homepage. Checkin/Checkout button lets user check their dogs in/out of the park. When user clicks checkin it updates the database and from their list of dogs in the park. List of dogs helps user decide whether they really want to take their dogs to the park. Users can also plan their visit based on the dog activity log.
To run Digger: Install PostgreSQL (Mac OSX) Clone this repo: https://github.com/vaishalicooner/Project-digger.git
Create and activate virtual environment inside your Digger directory: $ virtualenv env source env/bin/activate
Install the dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Sign up to use OpenWeatherMap API.
Save your API keys in a file called secrets.sh using this format:
Source your keys from your secrets.sh file into your virtual environment: source secrets.sh
Set up the database:
createdb digger python model.py python seed.py psql digger < digger.sql
Run the app: python3 server.py
You can now navigate to 'localhost:5000/' to access Digger.
About the Developer: Vaishali Cooner is a Software Engineer in the Bay Area. For more information visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaishalicooner/