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OpenGL Objects Wrapper Library

The OpenGL Objects Wrapper Library (globjects) provides an object oriented C++ interface for OpenGL's programmable pipeline (3.0+). globjects is a cross-platform library licenced under the MIT license.

The current pre-release is globjects-v0.3.2. To find out more about globjects and how to use it, check out our wiki.

Project Health

Coverity Scan Build Status


The documentation is regularly generated and can be found here.


The following dev-libraries and programs need to be provided for correct CMake configuration:

Development Notes

If you are contributing to this project, please keep the following notes in mind:

  • Add your name and email to the AUTHORS file.
  • Follow coding conventions according to google's C++ Style Guide.
  • Commits should provide a meaningful message, which uses the imperative, present tense: "change", not "changed" nor "changes", AND start with a capital letter.
  • Commits should always refer to an issue: use #xxx, fix #xxx, or close #xxx.
  • Pull Requests are reviewed by at least one other developer on another platform.
  • Use lazy initialization as often as possible for time consuming tasks.
  • Member Variables always start with m_, g_, and s_ (e.g.,m_member, g_global, and s_static)..
  • Interface or abstract class names always start with Abstract (e.g., AbstractArray).
  • Enforce strict include sequence: cpp-related header, std, glm, glbinding, globjects.


C++ library strictly wrapping OpenGL objects.







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