A multiprocess message queue designed to work without any work required in the kernel
Client libraries use llmq in a publisher/subscriber manner.
When a pubsub is initialized, it connects to the broker over a control socket. The broker establishes rx and tx ringbuffers over shared memory, hereafter called the dataplane.
The broker itself runs as a seperate process that constantly reads messages from the client publishers, and appropriately copies them to client subscribers
Uses the frame decoder/encoder pattern to allow creating Sinks and Streams of arbitrary types on top of async Unix sockets
Handles control plane requests from clients, as well as runs data plane hotloop
Actual types that are encoded and decoded using the adapter, so that clients and broker can communicate over the control plane.
Fast ringbuffer implementation on top of Unix shared memory. Allows for multiprocess queues with no locks and no kernel synchronization primitives.
Actual library implementation that most clients should use