##Introduction A crawler use Ruby net/telnet to fetch article list of board of PTT.CC. (4Chat.com of Taiwan)
JSON outputed.
[demo site] (http://djw.twbbs.org/quick-ptt/Gossiping.html)
##Ruby Version ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [i686-linux]
##Require gem install json gem install iconv
##Usage #ruby daemon.rb [PTT ID] [PTT PASS] [board name(optional, default: Gossiping)] EX: #let's fetch board "C_Chat" :) ruby daemon.rb guest guest C_Chat
then you can see something like below
Count: 18 at 2013-02-04 17:22:25
Count: 18 at 2013-02-04 17:22:29
###view result #[board name].html EX: or
$host host IP/domain name
$json_opt_path Output path and file name, default: ./index.html
If you use Ruby1.9.X , you may have to fix some problem:
###UTF-8 problem:
Write this line on top of that file
#encoding: utf-8
sudo gem install magic_encoding, then just call magic_encoding from the root of your app.
###regular expression problem
This project is only for education and research. Do not abuse it on illegal behavior.