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An emulator for the Intel 8085 microprocessor, supporting 200+ instructions with accurate flag handling and memory simulation. Ideal for learning microprocessor programming, debugging assembly code, and exploring architecture.


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8085 Emulator Instructions

This project aims to emulate the 8085 microprocessor and implement all its instructions with appropriate flag handling. Below is a checklist of all 8085 instructions grouped by categories.

Data Transfer Instructions

Instruction Description Status
MOV Move data between registers. ✅ Done
MVI Move immediate data. ✅ Done
LDA Load accumulator directly. ✅ Done
STA Store accumulator directly. ✅ Done
LDAX Load accumulator indirectly. ✅ Done
STAX Store accumulator indirectly. ✅ Done
LHLD Load H-L pair directly. ✅ Done
SHLD Store H-L pair directly. ✅ Done
XCHG Exchange H-L with D-E. ✅ Done
PUSH Push register pair onto the stack. ✅ Done
POP Pop register pair from the stack. ✅ Done
OUT Output to port. ✅ Done
IN Input from port. ✅ Done

Arithmetic Instructions

Instruction Description Status
ADD Add register to accumulator. ✅ Done
ADC Add register to accumulator with carry. ✅ Done
SUB Subtract register from accumulator. ✅ Done
SBB Subtract register with borrow. ✅ Done
INR Increment register. ✅ Done
DCR Decrement register. ✅ Done
CMP Compare register with accumulator. ✅ Done
CPI Compare immediate with accumulator. ✅ Done

Logical Instructions

Instruction Description Status
ANA AND register with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
ANI AND immediate with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
ORA OR register with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
ORI OR immediate with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
XRA XOR register with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
XRI XOR immediate with accumulator. 🔲 Pending
CMA Complement accumulator. 🔲 Pending
CMC Complement carry flag. 🔲 Pending
STC Set carry flag. 🔲 Pending

Branching Instructions

Instruction Description Status
JMP Jump unconditionally. 🔲 Pending
JC Jump if carry is set. 🔲 Pending
JNC Jump if carry is not set. 🔲 Pending
JZ Jump if zero. 🔲 Pending
JNZ Jump if not zero. 🔲 Pending
CALL Call subroutine. 🔲 Pending
RET Return from subroutine. 🔲 Pending
RST Restart (vector interrupt). 🔲 Pending

Stack & Machine Control Instructions

Instruction Description Status
PUSH Push register pair onto the stack. ✅ Done
POP Pop register pair from the stack. ✅ Done
HLT Halt the program. 🔲 Pending
NOP No operation. 🔲 Pending
DI Disable interrupts. 🔲 Pending
EI Enable interrupts. 🔲 Pending


  • Completed: 11
  • Pending: 31

How to Contribute

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Go to the cloned project directory.
  3. Make a ' build ' name dirrectory.
  4. Go to the build directory and run the command cmake ... ( This will build the project make file ).
  5. Add or update instruction implementations.
  6. Ensure proper flag handling.
  7. Add the test case for your project.
  8. Now we have to compile the project.
  9. Make sure you are in the ' build ' directory and run the command ``` make ``. ( This will execute the make command ).
  10. Run The Command to Run the test cases. ( Make sure all the test cases are pass ).
  11. Update this README checklist to reflect your changes.
  12. Submit a pull request!

Happy coding!


An emulator for the Intel 8085 microprocessor, supporting 200+ instructions with accurate flag handling and memory simulation. Ideal for learning microprocessor programming, debugging assembly code, and exploring architecture.







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