I created two visualization dashboards, one Story and two static maps in Tableau. I accomplished this with the help of the following tasks-
- Import and Understand the data
Uploaded the citibike_2017.csv file to Tableau Public by using Text File button. This file was generated by using the Combined2017.ipynb jupyter notebook. The 201701-citibike-tripdata.csv, 201702-citibike-tripdata.csv and 201703-citibike-tripdata.csv were used to generate the citibike_2017.csv file. You can see that the file is quite huge.
Click the upload now button to see the dataset with columns.
The data type in Tableau is detected automatically.
The files were published to Tableau Public. Following are identical links
There are two tabs for the Story. One workbook is CityBikeAnalysis2017 and the other is Book2. Both have the same identical sheets, Dashboard and Story.
This is my profile link to Tableau Public https://public.tableau.com/profile/vasudha5491#!/.