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A minimal JAX library for connectivity analysis at scales


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JAXScape is a minimal JAX library for connectivity analysis at scales. It provide key utilities to build your own connectivity analysis workflow, including

  • differentiable raster to graph and graph to raster mappings
  • differentiable graph distance metrics
  • moving window utilities

JAXScape leverages JAX's capabilities to accelerate distance computations on CPUs/GPUs/TPUs, while ensuring differentiability of all implemented classes and methods for awesome sensitivity analysis and optimization.


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Quick start

Let's define our graph.

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxscape import GridGraph
import numpy as np

# loading jax array representing permeability
permeability = jnp.array(np.loadtxt("permeability.csv", delimiter=","))
plt.imshow(permeability, cmap="gray")

grid = GridGraph(vertex_weights=permeability)

Let's calculate some distances on the grid graph. We will specifically calculate and project the distance of all pixels to the top left pixel

from jaxscape import ResistanceDistance
from jaxscape import LCPDistance
from jaxscape import RSPDistance

# Calculating distances of all pixels to top left pixel
source = grid.coord_to_index([0], [0])

distances = {
    "LCP distance": LCPDistance(),
    "Resistance distance": ResistanceDistance(),
    "RSP distance": RSPDistance(theta=0.01, cost=lambda x: 1 / x)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4))
for ax, (title, distance) in zip(axs, distances.items()):
    dist_to_node = distance(grid, source)
    cbar = ax.imshow(grid.node_values_to_array(dist_to_node.ravel()), cmap="magma")
    fig.colorbar(cbar, ax=ax, shrink=0.2)

fig.suptitle("Distance to top left pixel")

But what's really cool about jaxscape is that you can autodiff through thoses distances! Here we calculate the gradient of the average path length of the graph w.r.t pixel permeability

# we need to provide the number of active vertices, for jit compilation
def average_path_length(permeability, distance):
    grid = GridGraph(permeability,)
    dist = distance(grid)
    return dist.sum() / nb_active**2

grad_connectivity = jax.grad(average_path_length)

distance = LCPDistance()
average_path_length(permeability, distance)

sensitivities = grad_connectivity(permeability, distance)
cbar = plt.imshow(sensitivities, cmap = "magma")
plt.title("Gradient of APL w.r.t pixel's permeability")

Ecological connectivity analysis with ConnectivityAnalysis and SensitivityAnalysis

While you can use WindowOperation to leverage local window operations and build your own sensitivity analysis pipeline (see below), we provide ConnectivityAnalysis and SensitivityAnalysis to facilitate analyses of large graphs.

We'll play around with the following raster, which we will use to define the permeability and quality of our landscape:

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import rasterio
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jaxscape import WindowOperation, padding

# loading a raster
with"../suitability.tif") as src:
    raster =, masked=True) 
    quality = jnp.array(raster.filled(0), dtype="float32") 


To calculate the landscape connectivity, we need to define a disperal range for the species we consider, in terms of the maximum number of pixels an individual (or offspring) of this species can theoretically cross, should the permeability be 1 (highest).

D = 20 # dispersal range in pixels
distance = LCPDistance() # fed to the function calculating the ecological proximity

def proximity(dist):
    return jnp.exp(-dist/D) # ecological proximity function

ConnectivityAnalysis calculates the connectivity of a landscape characterised by a quality and a permeability raster by returning the (quality-weighted) sum of ecological proximities (similarly to the Harari index or the Equivalent Connected Area).

from jaxscape import ConnectivityAnalysis
connectivity_prob = ConnectivityAnalysis(quality_raster=quality_raster,
                            permeability_raster=quality_raster, # assuming that quality and permeability 
                            coarsening_factor=0.,  # experimental feature to accelerate calculations, 0. means no coarsening
                            batch_size=50 # number of pixels to process in parallel
connectivity = # scalar value
# Batch progress: 100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:06<00:00,  1.14s/it]
# Array(10223621., dtype=float32)

SensitivityAnalysis calculates the sensitivity (derivative) of the landscape connectivity, with respect to the permeability or quality.

from jaxscape import SensitivityAnalysis
sensitivity_prob = SensitivityAnalysis(quality_raster=quality_raster,

sensitivity_permeability ="permeability", q_weighted=True) # raster
# Batch progress: 100%|██████████| 36/36 [00:01<00:00, 24.16it/s]

This sensitivity is best displayed as an elasticity.

elasticity = sensitivity_permeability * quality_raster
elasticity = jnp.nan_to_num(elasticity, nan=0.0)
plt.imshow(elasticity + 1e-2, 
cbar = plt.colorbar(shrink=0.5)
cbar.set_label('Elasticity w.r.t permeability')

❓ How can I use this for priorization

You want to prioritize pixels with high elasticity! Let's say that we have a certain budget to improve the permeability of the landscape, by incrasing each of the selected site by improved_permeability = 0.4. We compare two priorization scenarios: one where we select sites randomly, and one where we select sites based on their elasticity w.r.t permeability.

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threshold = jnp.percentile(elasticity, 95)  # Get the 99th percentile value excluding NaNs
high_sensitivity_coords = jnp.where(elasticity >= threshold)  # Get coordinates with high sensitivity
improved_quality_raster =[high_sensitivity_coords].add(improved_permeability)

# Add 0.1 to 100 random cells of quality_raster
key = jr.PRNGKey(0)
random_indices = jr.choice(key, jnp.arange(elasticity.size), shape=(high_sensitivity_coords[0].size,), replace=False)
random_coords = jnp.unravel_index(random_indices, quality_raster.shape)
modified_quality_raster =[random_coords].add(improved_permeability)

def run_connectivity_analysis(raster):
  connectivity_prob = ConnectivityAnalysis(quality_raster=quality_raster,

base_connectivity = run_connectivity_analysis(quality_raster)
connectivity_improved = run_connectivity_analysis(improved_quality_raster)
connectivity_improved_randomly = run_connectivity_analysis(modified_quality_raster)

print("Landscape connectivity gain")
print(f"- based on priorization with elasticity: {(connectivity_improved - base_connectivity) / base_connectivity * 100:.2f}%")
print(f"- based on random priorization: {((connectivity_improved_randomly - base_connectivity) / base_connectivity * 100):.2f}%")
Landscape connectivity gain
- based on priorization with elasticity: 11.53%
- based on random priorization: 3.74%

Inverse problem

Suppose you have measured genetic distances between populations across a landscape and want to understand how landscape features have shaped genetic differentiation by influencing gene flow. This is an inverse problem—a type of reverse engineering where we infer the landscape permeability for that species, that could have led to the observed genetic patterns.


JAXScape allows us to solve this problem efficiently. To illustrate, we will walk through a simple example where we assume a known permeability matrix and attempt to recover it using a single genetic distance measurement between two populations.

Loading the land cover raster

We begin by loading a land cover raster.

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import rasterio

with"landcover.tif") as src:
  # We resample the raster to a smaller size to speed up the computation
  raster =, masked=True, out_shape=(150, 150), resampling=rasterio.enums.Resampling.mode)  # Read the first band with masking
  lc_raster = jnp.array(raster.filled(0))   # Replace no data values with 0

Generating the synthetic genetic distance

Next, we assign permeability values to each land cover category and compute the synthetic genetic distance between two populations. We assimilate the genetic distance between the two populations as the least cost path distance associated to the permeability matrix between the two locations.

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category_to_distance_dict = {
    11: 2e-1,  # Water
    21: 2e-1,  # Developed, open space
    22: 3e-1,  # Developed, low intensity
    23: 1e-1,  # Developed, medium intensity (missing)
    24: 1e-1,  # Developed, high intensity (missing)
    31: 5e-1,  # Barren land
    41: 1.,  # Deciduous forest
    42: 1.,  # Evergreen forest
    43: 1.,  # Mixed forest
    52: 5e-1,  # Shrub/scrub
    71: 9e-1,  # Grassland/herbaceous
    81: 4e-1,  # Pasture/hay
    82: 4e-1,  # Cultivated crops
    90: 9e-1,  # Woody wetlands
    95: 6e-1  # Emergent herbaceous wetlands
permeability_raster = jnp.array(np.vectorize(reclass_dict.get)(lc_raster))
ref_grid = GridGraph(lc_raster)
source = ref_grid.coord_to_index(jnp.array([2]), jnp.array([2]))
target = ref_grid.coord_to_index(jnp.array([99]), jnp.array([99]))

distance = LCPDistance()
grid = GridGraph(permeability_raster)
start_time = time.time()
source_to_target_dist = distance(grid, source)[1,target]
print(f"Time taken for distance calculation: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Genetic distance between populations: {source_to_target_dist[0]:.2f}")
print(f"Time taken for distance calculation: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Genetic distance between populations: {source_to_target_dist[0]:.2f}")

Neural network model

To infer permeability from land cover data, we define a simple neural network model that maps land cover categories to permeability values. While this example uses a basic architecture, it can be extended to incorporate additional environmental features.

Since land cover types are categorical, we use one-hot encoding and a single-layer neural network.

import optax
from flax import nnx
from jax.nn import one_hot

category_to_index = {cat: i for i, cat in enumerate(reclass_dict.keys())}  # Map to indices

# Replace categories in lc_raster with indices
indexed_raster = jnp.array(np.vectorize(category_to_index.get)(lc_raster))

class Model(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, num_categories, rngs: nnx.Rngs):
    self.num_categories = num_categories
    self.linear = nnx.Linear(num_categories, 1, rngs=rngs)

  def __call__(self, x):
    x = self.linear(one_hot(x, num_classes=self.num_categories))
    x = jnp.clip(x, 1e-2, 1e0)
    return x

Training our model

With our model defined, we can now train it to minimize the difference between the predicted and observed genetic distances.

model = Model(len(category_to_index.keys()), rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) 
optimizer = nnx.Optimizer(model, optax.adamw(5e-2)) 

x = indexed_raster.ravel()
def train_step(model, optimizer):
  def loss_fn(model):
    permeability = model(indexed_raster).ravel()
    permeability = ref_grid.node_values_to_array(permeability)
    grid = GridGraph(permeability)
    dist_to_node_hat = distance(grid, source).ravel()[target]
    return ((dist_to_node_hat - source_to_target_dist) ** 2).mean()

  loss, grads = nnx.value_and_grad(loss_fn)(model)
  return loss

train_steps = 100
for step in range(train_steps):
  l = train_step(model, optimizer)
  if step % 10 == 0:
    print(f"Step {step}, loss: {l}")

After training, we compare our inferred permeability values with the ground truth. As training progresses, the model should recover the expected permeability matrix.

With more training steps and a more complex model, results can be further improved. This simplified example demonstrates the core methodology, and scaling it up to incorporate additional environmental variables or multiple populations is straightforward!

Building your own pipeline with WindowOperation

Let's iterate over moving windows! We can do so with the eager_iterator which will return a JAX tensory, or the lazy_iterator.

quality_padded = padding(quality, buffer_size, window_size)

window_op = WindowOperation(shape=quality_padded.shape, 

window_op.nb_steps # 8

# lazy iterator
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10, 5))
for i, (xy, w) in enumerate(window_op.lazy_iterator(quality_padded)):
    ax = axs.flatten()[i]
    ax.set_title(f"xy = {xy}")
# eager iterator
xy, windows = window_op.eager_iterator(quality)
xy.shape # (8, 2)
windows.shape # (8, 10+50+10, 10+50+10)
new_window = jnp.ones_like(windows[2, ...])
new_raster = window_op.update_raster_with_focal_window(xy[2], quality_padded, new_window)


Features and roadmap 🚀

Raster to graphs

  • GridGraph with differentiable adjacency matrix method


  • Least-cost path

    • Bellman-Ford (one-to-all)
    • Floyd-Warshall (all-to-all)
    • Differentiable Djikstra or A* (see implementation here)
  • Resistance distance

    • all-to-all calculation with dense solver (pinv, resulting in full distance matrix materialization)
    • advanced mode with direct solvers (laplacian factorization, cannot scale to large landscape)
      • Must rely on lineax, with wrapper over specialized solver for sparse systems:
        • UMFPACK and CHOLMOD (see implementation here where scipy.spsolve is wrapped in JAX and vjp has been implemented - could also work with CHOLMOD) 🏃‍♀️
        • jax.experimental.sparse.linalg.spsolve
    • advanced mode with indirect solvers (no laplacian factorization, requires preconditioning)
      • GMRES/CG with preconditioners for Krylov-based solvers
      • Probably the best approach would be to use a wrapper around pyamg and pyamgx (the former does not support batch mode, while the latter does), using lineax for adjoint definition and pure_callback
        • The dlpack JAX utility could be used to ensure that we have a zero-copy overhead between scipy sparse arrays or cuPy arrays
        • one could use .aspreconditioner together with, or use the full amg cycle
      • See AlgebraicMultigrid.jl or PyAMG
      • See also lineax issues
      • See also solvers used in JAX-FEM, here
  • Randomized shortest path distance (REF)

    • all-to-all calculation (distance matrix materialization)
    • all-to-few calculation
      • Should be based on direct or inderict solvers, similarly to ResistanceDistance
    • one-to-one calculation


  • Moving window generator
  • Differentiable connected component algorithm (see here)
    • An external call to scipy/cusparse connected component libraries could do for our purposes (but not support of differentiation)
    • see jax doc, doc on pure callbacks a cool concrete example here


  • scaling with number of nodes, CPU/GPU
  • Moving window tests
  • benchmark against CircuitScape and ConScape (Julia based)


jaxscape is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Related packages

  • gdistance
  • ConScape
  • Circuitscape
  • graphhab
  • conefor


A minimal JAX library for connectivity analysis at scales







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