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sagemathgh-39499: Improve sage_getfile by looking at __init__
Otherwise it will fail with meson editable install on objects like `x` of type `Expression`, where the class does not have a docstring but `__init__` method have. The strategy is similar to `sage_getsourcelines` where `__init__` method is looked in. I choose to implement this instead of the more complex workaround (see the comment below). This fixes the test that fails in meson editable mode: ``` 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4801998Z ********************************************************************** 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4803076Z File "src/sage/misc/", line 1363, in sage.misc.sageinspect.sage_getfile_relative 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4804104Z Failed example: 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4804750Z sage_getfile_relative(x) # needs sage.symbolic 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4808395Z Expected: 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4813350Z 'sage/symbolic/expression.pyx' 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4814244Z Got: 2025-02-11T20:13:36.4815714Z '/home/runner/work/sage/sage/builddir/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx' 2025-02-11T20:13:44.3128543Z ********************************************************************** ``` This may still fail in another case where neither class nor `__init__` method has a docstring (in that case `?` will fail to get the file in meson editable mode), but that's not in scope I guess. (I left a comment there to explain) See also sagemath#39369 ### 📝 Checklist <!-- Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> - [x] The title is concise and informative. - [x] The description explains in detail what this PR is about. - [x] I have linked a relevant issue or discussion. - [x] I have created tests covering the changes. - [ ] I have updated the documentation and checked the documentation preview. (change should be invisible to users not using meson editable so…) ### ⌛ Dependencies <!-- List all open PRs that this PR logically depends on. For example, --> <!-- - sagemath#12345: short description why this is a dependency --> <!-- - sagemath#34567: ... --> URL: sagemath#39499 Reported by: user202729 Reviewer(s):
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