This project is aimed to be a Python script to generate code from PlantUML state machines.
Probably if you reached here you already know it. But if not, just take a look here.
It's really not needed, but it will be used to validate the PlantUML.
It's easy, just:
sudo apt install plantuml
Note that with this installation you'll need
Just install Linux
For the moment only C language will be supported. But I'm planning to make it template based, so you won't need any specific language support, just the right template.
This script will generate code based on special syntax inside PlantUML state machines.
- Conditions:
- Actions:
- Entry:
- During:
- Exit:
Since this code is autogenerated from an UML, a doxygen documentation will be created including the UML. Remember that if you want to include UML views inside Doxygen to change your configuration file for UML_LOOK and PLANTUML_JAR_PATH.
I am doing this project for fun, there might be other existent projects to do the same I am doing and probably even better but I am happy to make it from scratch.
If you are generating code with this code I want to give you some advice:
- DON'T ever modify generated files. This is BAD practice, if you need the code changed, change the UML, don't just change the generated code. I will try to provide as many options possible to modify the output to your will. And even feel free to change the code of the script.
- To prevent the previous point and generally as a good practice, don't upload generated files into your repository. This will encourage people to keep the designs well maintained and closer to the reality.