This project is being developed as part of coding challenge given to [Venkat] (venkatraju.1284@gmail).
The following dependencies are required
- Java 11 or higher
- docker-compose version 1.28 or later
- docker engine to build and run containers
- On Windows machine Docker desktop would get correct docker dependencies. Be sure to enable TLS Optionally you could have a docker account to explore the dependencies.
Date format is assumed to be in MM/dd/YYYY format
# To start application
# To stop application (also removes volumes attached)
Application runs on port 8082 of localhost. application can be used once it is successfully started.
Swagger documentation can be accessed here. Endpoint information can be accessed here
check following:
- To get information based on authorname
- To get information based on title
- To get information based on likes
- To get information based on views
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.