An Erlang Rebar Template to bootstrap HTTP and XMPP based Applications. It consists in an Application Core, an HTTP Handler, an XMPP handler, a prometheus metric collector and also a Redis connectivity module.
It's also a plugin for dockerize the release. Check docker doc for further information.
./rebar3 compile
Create a base directory for your projects having rebar3
script and a rebar.config
file only with this configuration:
{plugins, [
{skeletor, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
And then:
./rebar3 new skel name=veon \
desc="A base service" \
author_name="Manuel Rubio" \
author_email="[email protected]" \
This generates a new directory using the project name used on rebar3 command. Containing a ready to use, project base.
For further information read the how-to here!