Added “User” column to submissions index.
to Sprout Forms/Freeform migrations.
to Sprout Forms/Freeform migrations.
to Sprout Forms/Freeform migrations.
Allow table field column headings to contain markdown.
Allow table field column headings to be site-translated.
Change behavior for multi-page ajax forms to reset to the first page on success (when showing a message).
for Sprout Forms/Freeform migrations.
For ajax-enabled forms, clicking on tabs (on the front-end) now navigates directly to that page.
Allow text field-based field settings to have more height in the form builder.
Update default “Contact Form” stencil to have instructions show “Above Input”.
Update default instructions position to “Above Input”.
Update <th>
styles for front-end table fields.
Fixed an error when trying to submit an ajax-enabled form again, without refreshing the page.
Fixed editing an incomplete submission on the front-end, not completing after final submission.
Fixed includeInEmail
, enableContentEncryption
and enableConditions
GraphQL type definitions.
Fixed date and time fields within Table not working correctly.
Fixed formie_relations
db table not being removed on uninstall.
Fixed a potential PHP error when trying to find the current page index for a form.
Fixed SproutForms migration not including field instructions.
Fixed focus state borders for tabs in the control panel.
Fixed layout issue for conditions builder with very long field names.
Fixed current page not persisting when clicking on a tab for an ajax form.
Fixed new rows for table fields not rendering correctly.
Fixed some JS errors in the form builder when editing a table field.
Fixed JS warning in form builder when editing field conditions.
Fixed variable tag fields not displaying correctly when long text is provided.
Fixed variable-picker not displaying options correctly if supplied with long field names.
Fixed instructions showing multiple times for element fields.
Fixed instructions showing multiple times for recipients field checkboxes.
Fixed table field instructions position.
Fixed not being able to search forms via their handle in the control panel.
Fixed an error when sending a test notification, with for notifications with long subjects.
Fixed an error with submissions widget when using custom date ranges.
Fixed non-calendar date fields incorrectly storing timezone information.
Fixed non-calendar date-only fields incorrectly storing current time information.
Fixed showing a single row for table field preview in the form builder, when no defaults set.
Fixed not showing minimum rows for table field preview in the form builder.
Fixed table field containing invalid extra data, due to Vue3 compatibility change.
Fixed repeater field containing invalid extra data, due to Vue3 compatibility change.
Fixed date field email incorrectly using timezone information.
Fixed non-calendar date fields not producing correct email content values.
Fixed conditions builder not being able to pick values for certain fields (dropdown, radio, checkboxes) when they were in a Group field.
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