Added Integration::getSettingsHtmlVariables()
and Integration::getFormSettingsHtmlVariables()
Added support for all CRM integrations to only fetch data objects for ones that are enabled in the form builder integration settings.
Added Dutch translations. (thanks @jeroenlammerts ).
Updated Password field autocomplete
Improve Integration form instructions translations to remove duplicate translation strings.
Improve Integration settings instructions translations to remove duplicate translation strings.
Update integration descriptions to be dynamic for better translation.
Days and Months predefined options now use Craft’s locale helpers for consistency.
Country and State predefined options now use commerceguys/addressing
for consistency.
Fields now toggle a data-field-has-error
attribute on inputs when client-side validation occurs.
Fixed an error when creating forms where a default Form Template had required fields.
Fixed an error when fetching Signature field image.
Fixed an issue when using "Validate when typing” and resetting classes via Theme Config.
Fixed element fields not always populating the correct site-specific element when viewing a submission in the control panel.
Fixed querying submissions for nested field, via their nested field values.
Fixed Submission queries not working correctly for custom fields.
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