I recommend taking a backup of your current config before getting started.
Install below tools in the given order
- Homebrew -> package manager
- Stow -> Symlink config files
- Kitty Terminal -> Terminal emulator
- fzf -> Fuzzy finder (with dependencies)
- ripgrep, fd ->
brew install ripgrep fd
- ripgrep, fd ->
- zoxide -> Smart cd command
- Starship -> Customizable prompt
- Fish Shell -> Command line shell
- Lazygit -> Git UI in the terminal
After installing all of the above, clone this repository in your home directory.
Run stow .
inside the dotfiles/
Install Packer
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
Go to ~/.config/nvim/lua/vgnshiyer/packer.lua
Type :so
to source the file and run :PackerSync
to install plugins
Copy settings.json to cursor user settings (JSON)
Run defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
to enable long press in vscode