Building a system with Kafka, that parses recipes from an online API and alerts the user of recipes that exceed a calorie threshold. the system uses microservices written in python, using Kafka-python.
Kafka-python is needed to get the Python Kafka API (pip install Kafka-python)
- start zookeeper (on Windows, run ".\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config/" in the kafka directory)
- start Kafka server (on Windows, run ".\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat config/" in the kafka directory)
- run to get recipes from and write them to the 'raw_recipes' topic in kafka
- run to get the raw recipes and parse them by (title, description, ingrediants, calorie-count, publisher) and write them to the 'parsed_recipes' topic in kafka
- run to get parsed recipes from kafka and alert the user which recipe has a calorie-count, greater than "calories_threshold"
credit to Adnan Siddiqi for his tutorial on using python microservices communicating with Kafka!! ( )