- Clone this repository:
- 1.1 git clone:
- Export env
- 2.1 Run the following line to create .env file:
- echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .env
- 2.1 Run the following line to create .env file:
- Export env
- Initialize the Airflow instance:
- 3.1 docker-compose up airflow-init
- 3.2 docker-compose up
- Initialize the Airflow instance:
- Access Airflow Server:
4.1 After some minutes, the Airflow server will be available in your localhost accessing the following url: http://localhost:8080/
4.2 Login using the default credentials in docker-compose.yaml file:
- Username: airflow
- Password: airflow
- To get the list of your current dags and its status, run the following line (in my case, I am using the default credentials):
- curl -X GET --user "airflow:airflow" "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/dags"
- In order to execute the named dag processing, you need to configure connection once the dag creates a table in postgres database. To do this, execute the following steps:
1.1 Access the airflow UI: http://localhost:8080/
1.2 Acces the Admin - Connections:
2.1 Add new connection:
- Connection Id: postgres;
- Connection Type: Postgres;
- Host: postgres;
- Login: airflow;
- Password: airflow;
- Port: 5432;
- All other fields can be left blank.
2.2 Add new connection: - Connection Id: user_api; - Connection Type: HTTP; - Host: https://randomuser.me/; - All other fields can be left blank.