a flexible and performatic DOM search plugin developed by the Lápis Raro team.
on this basic usage, all the #table1 rows will be filtered based on the first text input's term
$(document).ready(function() {
- elements - selector of the row elements to be shown or hidden. Default value is 'tr'.
- input - input element to perform the search. The default value is $('input[type=text]')[0], which is the first text input on the page.
- searchable - selector that defines where the search will be performed within each row. The default value is an empty string (searches the entire row).
- alternataClasses - defines whether the plugin will apply alternate classes on the rows or not. Dafault value is false.
- oddClass - class for the odd rows, applied if alternataClasses is set to true. Defaults to 'odd'.
- evenClass - class for the even rows, applied if alternataClasses is set to true. Defaults to 'even'.
- ignoreFirstRow - whether the first row will be ignored or not (default: true)
- beforeQuery - function called just before the filter is applied on a query, when the first character is typed (default: null)
example on how to filter a list and set a specific input text field:
$(document).ready(function() {
elements: 'li',
input: $('#input_1')
example on how to filter rows based on a specific td class
$(document).ready(function() {
searchable: 'td.searchable'