A Friends Recommendation System
clone the repository on to your local machine
To compile the code run the command "gcc *.c" in your terminal.
You can run the executable file to run the program
- [1] Register a new user
- [2] Unregister an existing user
- [3] Recommend friends to existing user
- [4] Add friend to existing user
- [5] Check friendship status
- [6] Print user details
- [0] Exit
Type "1" in the terminal to execute this command
Once executed, it provides the minimum positive integer which is not currently in use as ur unique ID
Enter details of user(prompts like "Enter your name: " would be shown)
After registering, recommendations will be shown based on common paramaters, enter "y" to add any friends from the recommendations and "n" to abort
if adding friends, specify the number of friends you would like to add and their user IDs
Type "2" in the terminal to execute this command
Enter the user ID of the user you wish to unregister
Type "3" in the terminal to execute this command
Enter the user ID of the user you want recommendations for
recommendations will be shown based on friends list, enter "y" to add any friends from the recommendations and "n" to abort
if adding friends, specify the number of friends you would like to add and their user IDs
Type "4" in the terminal to execute this command
Enter the user IDs of A and B where B will be added as a friend of A.
Type "5" in the terminal to execute this command
Enter the user IDs of A and B, function will check whether B is a friend of A or not.
Type "6" in the terminal to execute this command
Enter the user ID of the user whose details need to be printed
Type "0" in the terminal to execute this command
Exit the program.
Note: a test case has been added to the repo with the name testcase.txt, copy the text and paste it in the user interface as an input