This project was developed to simulate the robot by using navigation stack in a 3D environment, In this project the robot is supposed to simulate 4 tasks entered by the user.
In this project the robot is localized by user input, these are the following steps that robot can perform these tasks
1.Move randomly in the environment, by choosing 1 out of 6 possible target positions (-4,-3) (-4,2) (-4,7) (5,-7) (5,-3) (5,1).
2.Ask the user to enter next target position from the random six.
3.To start followng the external walls given in the map.
4.To enter standby position.
When input is 1 from the user, A random goal is generated from random_goal_generator which will publish to move_base/goal topic and robot wil start moving to that location
if the user enters 2 as the input, the user_interface will ask to pick a target from a list of possible destinations. Wall follower:
if the user enters 3 as the input, the robot will follow the walls by calling wall_follower_switch service through a servie client which allows robot to follow external walls.
in case of pressing 4,the velocities are set to 0 ,then the robot will stop for certain amount of time .
git clone the package
create a workspace in root repositories
mkdir "name of the workspace"
move the git package to the src folder of that workspace
Build the package
Refresh the workspace using
rospack profile
in the folder "Research_Track_1-final-assignmnet/final_assignment/scripts/" check for read and write permissions
ls -la
to give permissions to individual file
chmod +x <file>
In the terminal excute the following commands
TO launch Gazebo and Rviz using launch commands
roslaunch final_assignment simulation_gmapping.launch
roslaunch final_assignment move_base.launch
for wall follow service
rosrun final_assignment
To start the server
rosrun my_srv Final_project_server
To excute the final program
rosrun final_assignment
For Computational graph
missing of move_base file
To fix that error
cd /opt/ros/noetic/lib
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-move-base-msgs