- git clone https://github.com/rayvikram/node-blog.git
- cd node-blog
- npm install
- create .env file
- copy content on .envexample to .env
- .env have 3 variable. adminId and password ( to create post from blog > compose ) and third variable mDB ( it is the credential of free cloud-mongodb https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/mongodb-42-now-available-on-the-atlas-free-tier ). Yours will be similar to mongodb+srv://name:[email protected]/yourdb?retryWrites=true
- after configuring .env with mongoDB credential, and adminId, password of your choice.
- node app.js
- visit http://localhost:3000/ and you will see your blog live.
As you can see this is a simple and basic blog that i have made as a assignment during my Web-Dev course in Udemy. I have used HTML CSS with NodeJS MongoDB to complete this project. I have used various NPM packages like EJS for templating, ExpressJS for server , Mongoose for simplifying MongoDB , body-parser, etc.