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Item Matrix

MaPePeR edited this page Jul 16, 2015 · 6 revisions
Item Name Description Functions in Functions EMC Consumption
Hotbar Inventory Alch Bag Alch Chest Bauble Pedestal Right Click Sneak Right Click Change Mode Charge Up/Down Extra Function Fire Projectile
DummyEntryTODO Description Hotbar Inventory AlchBag AlchChest Bauble Pedestal RightClick SneakRightClick ChangeMode ChargeUpDown ExtraFunction FireProjectile
Repair Talisman Repairs Items in Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Nearby Players
Black Hole Band Sucks items into Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, adjacent Inventory Calls `changeMode` Activates/Deactivates the Item
Archangel's Smite Fires Homing Arrows Fires at nearby mobs every 5.0 seconds Fire a single homing arrow
Harvest Goddess Band Accelerates Growth of Crops. Harvests them when activates Yes Accelerates Growth and harvests grown nearby crops Plant all `IPlantable`s from the Inventory in a 16x16 area. Consume Bone Meal from the Inventory to increase plant growth for a single plant??? Enables harvesting of crops when item in Hotbar
Ignition Ring Ignites Fires(16x10x16) when activated, extinguishes fires(3x3x3) when deactivated. FireImmunity Yes Simulates Hotbar Ignite nearby Entitys Ignite TNT Activate the Band Fires a Projectile that creates a 3x3 fire Consumes EMC when activated
Zero Ring Adds snow and freezes water(6x6x6) Yes Simulates Hotbar Extinguishes Entities. Freezes the world Activate/Deactivate the Band
Gem of Eternal Density Condenses EMC in Inventory into Iron/Gold/Diamond/Dark or RedMatter. Has White/Blacklist Yes Yes Yes Yes Simulates Hotbar Show Black/Whitelist GUI Enable Band or Disable Band and drop unconsumed items. Change Target Item
Void Ring Combines Gem Of Eternal Density and Black Hole Band Yes Yes Yes Yes Inherited from GED Same as Black Hole Band Teleport to block you are looking at
Swiftwolf's Rending Gale 4 Modes: Off, Flight, Shield, Flight + Shield Yes Copy Paste Code? Shoots lightning at mobs WAY TOO COMPLICATED Consumes Fuel based on which mode is active
Watch of Flowing Time Speeds up tile entities and slows mobs when activated Yes Yes Extra ticks and mob slowdown Change Daytime-Boost-Mode Activate/Deactivate the extraticks and mob slowdown Charge level changes amount of bonus ticks and mob slowdown Consumes fuel for extra ticks
Body Stone Feeds Players Yes Simulates Hotbar Nearby Players Activate/Deactivate the Band Consumes Fuel to feed players
Soul Stone Heals Players Yes Simulates Hotbar Nearby Players Activate/Deactivate the Band Consumes Fuel to heal players
Life Stone Combines Body and Soulstone. Heals and Feeds. Copy Pasted Yes Simulates Hotbar Nearby Players Activate/Deactivate the Band Consumes Fuel to heal and feed players
Evertide Amulet Acts as a FluidContainer-Item. Allows walking on water when not sneaking. Increases Travelspeed on water and underwater. Prevents drowning Yes Simulates Hotbar Tries to summon rain and thunder Tries to fill tanks and Cauldrons. Places Water source block in world. Shoots Projectile that creates a water source block.
Volcanite Amulet Acts as a FluidContainer-Item for Lava. Allows walking on lava. Increases walkspeed and preents it from being decresed(?). Fire Immunity Yes Copy Paste Code? Stops rain and thunder Tries to fill Tanks. Places Lava source block in world Shoots Projectile that creates a lava source block. Consumes (NOT ENOUGH! 32 instead of 64=emc of lava) fuel to place lava
Ring of Arcana
Mind Stone
Divining Rod
Philosophers Stone
Mercurial Eye
Dark/Red Matter Pickaxe
Dark/Red Matter Axe
Dark/Red Matter Shovel
Dark/Red Matter Sword
Dark/Red Matter Hoe
Dark/Red Matter Shears
Dark/Red Matter Hammer
Red Katar
Red Morningstar
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