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Releases: villasv/aws-airflow-stack
Releases · villasv/aws-airflow-stack
Elegant Echo
The fifth official release focuses on reduction of complexity and increase of maintainability, further separating stack resources and setup scripts, plus a few security improvements.
- Use the AWS Secrets Manager to create and store the RDS password
- Use a KDF to derive the Fernet key instead of generating it randomly
- Control RDS access using source security groups instead of CIDR blocks
- Publish no metrics if the there are no workers and the queue is empty
- Use proper shell scripts to set up instances checked with shellcheck
- Convert load metric to python and check with pylint, flake8, black
- Fix pycurl dependency mismatch after its version was pinned by airflow
- Fix connection failure if database password contained special characters
- Fix race condition between instances and codedeploy causing setup to fail
- Upgraded to apache-airflow==1.10.9
- Remove non-GPL airflow install flag used in previous airflow versions
- Add tests for guidelines like consistent parameter documentation
- Formally document the load estimation technique
Decisive Dice
The fourth official release focuses on a more mature cloud architecture following AWS recommendations for CloudFormation templates.
New features:
- Multi-AZ ASG for the Airflow EC2 instances, towards fault tolerance
- Split template into nested stacks allowing deployment on existing VPCs
- Store the Fernet key in the AWS Parameter Store instead of EBS
Stack improvements
- Removed hardcoded bucket names and trust CFN to create them
- Removed tenacity version pin for py3.7 because it was fixed on airflow
- Removed celery version pin for thread safety because it was fixed on airflow
- Changed default mininum worker count to 1, a more sensible default for demos
- Multiple improvements targeting compliance with AWS QuickStart guidelines
- Added cfn-signal missing relevant parameters
- Removed hardcoded AZ options that failed in specific regions
- Added EFS mount to fstab guaranteeing it's there after a reboot
- Upgraded to
- Added cfn-lint as GitHub Action
- Automated testing with taskcat
- Merged on upstream Airflow a higher limit for queue names
Creative Cell
The third official release focuses on more robust deployments and safer auto scaling with graceful shutdown.
New features:
- Deployment with CodeDeploy, giving more control and speed
- Airflow logs now are stored in a dedicated S3 bucket
- Parameter allowing to opt out of loading example DAGs
- Parameter allowing to opt out of loading default connections
Stack improvements
- EC2 instances now have an attached IAM role, making it easier to attach policies
- Celery now uses that role with narrower queue permissions
- EC2 instances now have an env var specifying its kind (worker, scheduler, webserver)
- Celery broker transport options are now enforced, no need to specify on
- No more race conditions running
- No more terminating instances killing tasks
- Upgraded to
Blazing Beat
The second official release focuses on more flexible parameters and a better auto scaling attempt.
- New parameters: scheduler and webserver instance types
- New parameters: webserver port (enforced in the environment)
- New parameters: CIDR block for opening SSH access
- Worker setup: tries to install from AIRFLOW_HOME/requirements.txt
- Worker load: metric now discounts an estimation of time spent on boot
- Stack updates: machines watch for metadata updates and restart airflow
Amazonic Art
The first official release! Featuring many improvements over the unofficial previous release:
- Airflow 1.10.1 with official Sagemaker support!
- Managed systemd: switched from the old supervisord 2
- Parametrized region: not restricted to us-east-1 anymore
- Upgraded AMI: now using Amazon Linux 2 with Python 3.7
- Guessed AMI IDs: picks the latest GP2 AMI for that region
- EFS on fstab: airflow home directory now survive reboots
- Prefixed tags: using the stack name on tags