PHP Refactoring support for VIM using [php-refactorings-browser]
Add Bundle 'vim-php/vim-php-refactoring'
to your .vimrc
file and then:
- either run
within vim - or run
vim +BundleInstall +qall
from your shell
You also need to Download refactor.phar
from and add
let g:php_refactor_command='php /path/to/refactor.phar'
to your .vimrc
When inside a PHP file the following mappings work
Go into visual mode and select the code you want to extract to a new
method the press <Leader>rem
You will be prompted for the name of the new method.
If you want to bypass the menu:
vnoremap <leader>em :call PhpRefactorExtractMethodDirectly()<cr>
In normal mode move the cursor so it's inside the name of the variable
which you want to rename. Press <Leader>rlv
You will be prompted for the new name of the variable.
In normal mode move the cursor so it's inside the name of the variable
which you want to rename. Press <Leader>rli
Simple press <Leader>rou
to run the optimize use refactoring.