Swift library for multidimensional data, tensor operations and machine learning on OS X. For additional comments and documentation, please take a look at the Wiki.
Already implemented:
- Swift wrappers of many important functions from the Accelerate framework and LAPACK (vector summation, addition, substraction, matrix and elementwise multiplication, division, matrix inverse, pseudo inverse, eigendecomposition, singular value decomposition...)
protocol for elegant handling of multidimensional data of any kind- Clear, compact and powerful syntax for mathematical operations on tensors
- Principal component analysis
- Multilinear subspace learning algorithms for dimensionality reduction
- Linear and logistic regression
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Feedforward neural networks
- Sigmoid, ReLU, Softplus activation functions
- Easy regularizations
Create data tensor:
var a = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [3, 3, 3], repeatedValue: 0)
Read and write single values:
let b: Float = a[1, 2, 0]
a[2, 0, 1] = 3.14
Read and write a tensor slice
let c: Tensor<Float> = a[1..<3, all, [0]]
a[1...1, [0, 2], all] = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [2, 3], values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
modes of size 1 will be trimmed
Modes with same symbolic index will be summed over. Simple matrix multiplication:
var m = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [4, 6], repeatedValue: 1)
var n = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [6, 5], repeatedValue: 2)
let matrixProduct = m[.i, .j] * n[.j, .k]
Geodesic deviation:
var tangentVector = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [4], values: [0.3, 1.7, 0.2, 0.5])
tangentVector.isCartesian = false
var deviationVector = Tensor<Float>(modeSizes: [4], values: [0.1, 0.9, 0.4, 1.2])
deviationVector.isCartesian = false
var riemannianTensor = Tensor<Float>(diagonalWithModeSizes: [4, 4, 4, 4])
riemannianTensor.isCartesian = false
riemannianTensor.variances = [.contravariant, .covariant, .covariant, .covariant]
let relativeAcceleration = riemannianTensor[.μ, .ν, .ρ, .σ] * tangentVector[.ν] * tangentVector[.ρ] * deviationTensor[.σ]
Setting up and training a simple feedforward neural net:
var estimator = NeuralNet(layerSizes: [28*28, 40, 10])
estimator.layers[0].activationFunction = ReLU(secondarySlope: 0.01)
estimator.layers[1].activationFunction = ReLU(secondarySlope: 0.01)
var neuralNetCost = SquaredErrorCost(forEstimator: estimator)
stochasticGradientDescent(neuralNetCost, inputs: trainingData[.a, .b], targets: trainingLabels[.a, .c], updateRate: 0.1, minibatchSize: 50, validationCallback: ({ (epoch, estimator) -> (Bool) in
if(epoch >= 30) {return true}
else {return false}
Extended PCA algorithms to work with tensors with arbitrary mode count
- multilinear principal component analysis (MPCA)
- uncorrelated multilinear principal component analysis (UMPCA)
(Lu, Plataniotis, Venetsanopoulos)
To use this framework in an OSX XCode project:
- clone this repository
- open your project in XCode
- drag and drop MultilinearMath.xcodeproj into the project navigator of your project
- select the .xcodeproj file of your project in the navigator
- go to the "General" tab and add MultilinearMath.framework to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries
- go to the "Build Settings" tab and set "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" to YES
- import MultilinearMath in your Swift files
If possible, whole module optimization should be used for very significant performance gains.