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Vipul edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Setting up the application on Slack

You can setup the Slack app using the app manifest (the easier way) or manually.

Using app manifest

Create a new app on Slack and import the app_manifest.yml configuration.

Make sure to update the following configs:

  • url: update host and port with the your deployment
  • request_url: update host and port with the your deployment

Change any other information based on your preference for eg: slash commands etc.


  • Create an app on Slack, for example: slack-standup.
  • Create Slack bot token (check "OAuth & Permissions" in your app page) and add it as environment variable in docker-compose.yml.
    • Add following scopes: channels:history, chat:write, commands, users:read.
  • Deploy the application with the tokens.
  • Under "Interactivity & Shortcuts" option, add request URL as host:port/slack/submit_standup/
  • Add a slash command using the "Slash Commands" option.
    • Use request URL as host:port/slack/standup-trigger/
  • Add the Slack app in your channel (Example: /invite @slack-doc).