Onboard Cloud CI system to take advantage of testing CKI kernels, which includes targeted testing for patches, upstream kernels, or official builds.
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory -e cki_repo_url=<cki repo url> download.yaml
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory install.yaml
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory run-ltp.yaml
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory -e cloud_platform=esxi/aws/openstack umb.yaml
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory setup.yaml
You can set these environment variables to configure to run test
TEST_OS The OS to run the tests in. Currently supported values:
VSPHERE_SERVER The vSphere server hostname or IP address
VSPHERE_USERNAME Username to login vSphere server
VSPHERE_PASSWORD Password to login vSphere server
ESXI_HOST ESXi host name or IP address