Releases: virtual-labs-archive/molecular-florescence-spectroscopy-responsive-lab-iiith
v1.1.4: updated vlead logo, list of exps
Merge pull request #184 from virtual-labs/css-fix Css fix
Fixed CSS issue
The following issues are fixed :
- Fixing the lab with new CSS - #175
- Change List of Experiment in to "Experiments" - #176
- Fix bread crumb issue - #177
- Update the header (logo and the links)with correct links - #178
- “Simulation” is named as “Simulator”, change it to Simulation - #179
- Fix console errors of lab landing pages and all experiments - #180
- Format the HTML file with correct indentation in all html pages #181
- “Quizzes” is named as “Quiz”, change it to Quizzes - #182
Updated header and footer
Merge pull request #174 from virtual-labs/header_and_footer Updated header and footer for all experiments
changed sidebar menu order
changed sidebar menu order
v1.0 Bug Fixes
Commit id of the Source
- Commit id : dd836e8
Version Number of the Lab
- Version of the lab to be released : v1.0
Resolved Defects - 39
#103, #102, #101, #98, #97, #96, #95, #94, #93, #112, #71, #63, #1, #149, #143, #142, #138, #137, #135, #133, #131, #130, #129, #127, #122, #119, #118, #117, #115, #105, #104, #89, #85, #31, #23, #9, #8, #3, #2 -
Differed Defects - 90
#126, #120, #114, #111, #110, #109, #108, #107, #106, #88, #87, #86, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78,#77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #55, #54,#53, #52, #51, #50, #49, #48, #47, #46, #45, #44, #43, #42, #41, #40, #38, #37, #36, #35, #34, #33, #30, #29,#28, #26, #25,#24, #22, #21, #20, #19, #18, #17, #16, #14, #13, #12, #11, #10, #9, #7, #6, #123,#116, #100, #91, #92,#4, #5, #134- Common differed issues - Links redirecting to an error page #126
Status on hold - 23
#152, #151, #150, #148, #147, #146, #145,#144, #141, #140, #139, #136, #132, #128, #125, #124, #121, #113, #99, #90, #39, #32, #27 -
Testing has been done on base machine after bug fixes. Lab is working fine with updated sources on Base 4 and Base1.
Environment Settings
Server Side Dependencies
OS: Ubuntu
OS version: 12
Memory: 2GB(Max), 256MB(Min)
Storage: 10GB (Min)
Packages: apache2 -
Client Side Dependencies
User should have browser with Internet connection to run the simulations.