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Search API defines a SearchImplementation interface and a ResultItem interface. Plugins implementing those interfaces can be registered and will then be used by the Search Bar of the Map UI.

Search Bar

The Search Bar is located on the right side of the Navbar and can be activated via its button. Search bar offers an input field and renders a list of result items. If result items contain feature, those are visualized within the map. After a successful search, the map zooms to the layer extent, if result features are available. Depending on the registered search plugins, the search bar can offer autocomplete.


Search plugins must obey the interface defined as:

 * @interface SearchImpl
 * @property {string} name - Name of the implementation. Must be unique, best practice is to prefix with your plugin name to ensure uniqueness or use a uuid.
 * @property {function(q:string):Array<ResultItem>} search
 * @property {function(q:string):Array<string>} [suggest] // XXX currently not implemented in UI at Beta state
 * @property{function():void} abort - should abort any ongoing requests to search or suggest without throwing an error
 * @property {function():void} destroy

Each implementation must provide a search function. The suggest function for autocomplete is optional. On adding an implementation to the app, an owner is required. By providing an owner (name of the plugin) the app can remove implementations, if a plugin is unloaded.

Name of SearchImpl's must be unique to the application. Best practice is to prefix with your plugin name to ensure uniqueness or use a uuid.

Example for adding a search implementation within an index.js of a plugin:

import { version, name } from './package.json';
import MySearchImplementation from './mySearchImplemenation.js';

 * @param {Object} config - the configuration of this plugin instance, passed in from the app.
 * @returns {import("@vcmap/ui/src/vcsUiApp").VcsPlugin<T>}
 * @template {Object} T
 * @template {Object} S
export default function SearchPlugin(config) {
  return {
    _instance: null,
    _app: null,
    get name() {
      return name;
    get version() {
      return version;
     * @param {import("@vcmap/ui").VcsUiApp} vcsUiApp
    initialize(vcsUiApp) {
      this._instance = new MySearchImplementation(config, vcsUiApp);
      this._app = vcsUiApp;, name);


Each search plugin can define its own result item, which must comply with the following interface:

 * A readonly rendering interface of a ResultItem.
 * A ResultItem must provide either a feature, a clicked handler or both.
 * @typedef {Object} ResultItem
 * @property {string} title
 * @property {string} [icon] An optional icon
 * @property {Array<VcsAction>} [actions]
 * @property {function():Promise<void>} [clicked] Obligatory, if no feature is provided. Can overwrite default zoom to feature behaviour.
 * @property {import("ol").Feature|undefined} [feature] If a feature (in web mercator) is provided, the feature is added to the result layer and search zooms to the layer's extent. Default clicked handler is zoom to feature, highlight feature and select feature, if feature has a FeatureInfoView.

If a feature is provided, the Search API adds a default click handler. Features must provide geometry in EPSG:3857 (web mercator). This default click handler zooms to the feature. If the feature has a FeatureInfoView (see FeatureInfo), the feature is selected and the corresponding FeatureInfoView is opened.

Example for a function creating a feature result item with FeatureInfoView:

 * @param {import("ol").Feature} feature
 * @returns {ResultItem}
function createFeatureResultItem(feature) {
  const title = feature.getProperty('title');
  const featureInfoView = new BalloonFeatureInfoView({
    name: 'SampleBalloon',
  feature[featureInfoViewSymbol] = featureInfoView;

  return {

You can overwrite the default clicked handler for feature result items, if necessary. If no feature is provided, a clicked handler is mandatory.

Search API

All registered implementations are stored in an indexed collection. The search function iterates over all registered implementations and calls their search function. After resolving all promises invalid result items are filtered, default clicked handler for feature items are added, features are added to the result layer and the resultsChanged event is raised. The function returns a flat array of result items, which is also stored on the search instance and accessible by its readonly getter currentResults.

const resultItems = await'Berlin');

// via getter
const resultItems =;

// listening to resultsChanged event =>

The suggest function iterates over all registered implementations providing a suggest function and returns a flat array of suggestions for autocomplete.

const suggestions = await'Berlin');

Before a new search or suggest request is done, ongoing requests are aborted, if search implementations provide an abort method. The abort method of implementations should abort any ongoing requests to search or suggest without throwing an error. You can use AbortController to implement abort in a search implementation:

 * @class
 * @implements {SearchImpl}
class MySearchImplementation {
   * @param {NominatimSearchOptions} options
   * @param {import("@vcmap/ui").VcsUiApp} app
  constructor(options, app) {
    // ...

     * @type {AbortController}
     * @private
    this._controller = new AbortController();

   * @param {string} q - search value
   * @returns {Array<ResultItem>}
  async search(q) {
    // ...

    const { signal } = this._controller.signal;
    const response = await fetch(url, { signal });
    const results = await response.json();
    // return search results

  abort() {

Clearing empties the currentResults array and removes all features from the result layer. The resultsChanged event is raised afterwards.; => {
  // returns an empty array