Build a dependency tree from js files with microsoft type dependencies
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-jsdeps --save
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named jsdeps
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
. Note there is also an async version of this task called asyncCreateJSDeps
createJSDeps: {
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
options: {
pathPrefix: ".", // from where the directory starts
sourcePath: "test/fixtures/simple", // dir where your js files are stored - they will be recursively scanned
format: "json", // can also be xml
dest: "./tmp/simple.json" // name of destination file or path to it
Type: String
Default value: .
A string path of what to exclude when writing the path. For example: with pathPrefix = '/test/fixtures/simple/', the path "/test/fixtures/simple/b.js" will be written as "/b.js"
Type: String
Default value: .
A string path of the root directory to scan to find js files
Type: String
Default value: json
Can be either json or xml. The xml option is not currently supported by the update multitask.
Type: String
Default value: ./dependency-tree.json
The place the output file is written.
The update task is updateJSDeps
and asyncUpdateJSDeps
The update task doesn't take a sourcePath, rather it takes a list of files that have changed. The files.src
is a list of globs of what to include and exclude (to negate a path, prefix it with !
) In addition you can speific a filter function. This can, for example, watch the files that changed and edit an enviornment variable. Then the filter function can read the env variable when the task is kicked off and only add the files that changed.
files: {
expand: true,
// src: ["test/fixtures/update/simple/**/*.js"]
src: ["test/fixtures/update/simple/**/*.js", "!test/fixtures/update/simple/a.js"],
filter: function(path) {
return"b.js") === -1;
In this example the following options are used
jsdeps: {
simple: {
options: {
pathPrefix: ".",
sourcePath: "test/fixtures/simple",
format: "json",
dest: "./tmp/simple.json"
where the following files have these references
1:/// <reference path="b.js" />
2:/// <reference path="folder/c.js" />
1:/// <reference path="d.js" />
and the destination file looks like this:
"source": "/test/fixtures/simple/a.js",
"dependencies": [
"source": "/test/fixtures/simple/folder/c.js",
"dependencies": [
In this example the pathPrefix is set to remove the prefix "test/fixtures" from the generated file
jsdeps: {
simple: {
options: {
pathPrefix: "test/fixtures",
sourcePath: "test/fixtures/simple",
format: "json",
dest: "./tmp/simple.json"
where the following files have these references
1:/// <reference path="b.js" />
2:/// <reference path="folder/c.js" />
1:/// <reference path="d.js" />
and the destination file looks like this:
"source": "/simple/a.js",
"dependencies": [
"source": "/simple/folder/c.js",
"dependencies": [
In this example the following options are used
jsdeps: {
xml: {
options: {
pathPrefix: ".",
sourcePath: "test/fixtures/simple",
format: "xml",
dest: "./tmp/simple.xml"
where the following files have these references
1:/// <reference path="b.js" />
2:/// <reference path="folder/c.js" />
1:/// <reference path="d.js" />
and the destination file looks like this:
"/test/fixtures/simple/a.js": [
"/test/fixtures/simple/folder/c.js": [