This is a JS implementation of Redis from scratch strictly for learning purposes. I am doing this as part of a Codecrafters challenge.
This is an attempt to learn about various design patterns and using them is real world scenarios. If you have any suggestions about what I could have done better please create an issue.
There are multiple pieces in this challenge, but primarily it is composed of basic
and extensions
This is the basic functionalities of redis like starting the redis server and implementing basic commands and features like:
- Ping
- Echo
- Set (with and without expiry)
- Get
- Handling concurrent Clients.
Then there are extensions. These are specific features that we have to implement. As of today there are 4 extensions as beta
for Redis.
- Replication
- Transactions
- Streams
- RDB Persistence
I have already completed the Basic, Replication & Transactions stages. I will be working on Streams next.