This lsp performs spell checking in source code files, using the cspell library.
This is a fork of vscode-spell-checker and adapted to work with the
This was intended as a fork to but its now rewriten to be general basic spell check for the Helix text editor and hopfaly other editors.
npm install -g @vlabo/cspell-lsp
command = "cspell-lsp"
args = ["--stdio", "--dictionary", "<path to dictionary file>"]
# Add for every language that you want to spell check
name = "rust"
language-servers = ["rust-analyzer", "cspell"]
name = "cpp"
language-servers = [ "clangd", "cspell" ]
name = "markdown"
language-servers = [ "marksman", "cspell" ]
For reference
npm install
npm run build