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voodoos committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent 88f6e72 commit 2f71556
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Showing 2 changed files with 127 additions and 150 deletions.
274 changes: 126 additions & 148 deletions src/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ type config = {

type result = {
uid: Shape.Uid.t option;
reduction_result: Shape.reduction_result;
uid: Shape.Uid.t;
decl_uid: Shape.Uid.t;
file: string;
location: Location.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,144 +353,6 @@ let scrape_alias ~env ~fallback_uid ~namespace path =
non_alias_declaration_uid ~fallback_uid path

let uid_of_path ~config ~env ~(decl : Env_lookup.item) path =
let namespace = decl.namespace in
let module Shape_reduce =
Shape.Make_reduce (struct
type env = Env.t

let fuel = 10

let read_unit_shape ~unit_name =
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "inspecting %s" unit_name;
match load_cmt ~config:({config with ml_or_mli = `ML}) unit_name with
| Ok (filename, cmt_infos) ->
move_to filename cmt_infos;
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "shapes loaded for %s" unit_name;
| Error () ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "failed to find %s" unit_name;

let find_shape env id = Env.shape_of_path
~namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.Module env (Pident id)
let unalias ~config fallback_uid =
if not config.traverse_aliases then fallback_uid else
let uid = scrape_alias ~fallback_uid ~env ~namespace path in begin
log ~title:"uid_of_path" "Unaliased uid: %a -> %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt fallback_uid)
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
match config.ml_or_mli with
| `MLI ->
let uid = unalias ~config decl.uid in
log ~title:"uid_of_path" "Declaration uid: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print decl.uid);
Shape.Resolved uid
| `ML ->
let shape = Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path in
log ~title:"shape_of_path" "initial: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.print shape);
let reduced = Shape_reduce.reduce_for_uid
~keep_aliases:(not config.traverse_aliases) env shape
log ~title:"shape_of_path" "reduced: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.print_reduction_result fmt reduced);

let from_reduction_result
~config ~local_defs ~(decl : Env_lookup.item) shape_result path =
let title = "from_uid" in
let loc_of_comp_unit comp_unit =
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit with
| Ok (pos_fname, _cmt) ->
let pos = Std.Lexing.make_pos ~pos_fname (1, 0) in
let loc = { Location.loc_start=pos; loc_end=pos; loc_ghost=true } in
Some loc
| _ -> None
let loc_of_decl ~uid def =
match Misc_utils.loc_of_decl ~uid def with
| Some loc ->
log ~title "Found location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt loc.loc);
Some (uid, loc.loc)
| None ->
(* Check: this should never happen *)
log ~title "The declaration has no location. \
Fallbacking to the node's location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt decl.loc);
Some (uid, decl.loc)
let uid, approximated =
match shape_result with
| Shape.Resolved uid -> uid, false
| Unresolved { uid = Some uid; desc = Comp_unit _; approximated } ->
uid, approximated
| Approximated _ | Unresolved _ | Missing_uid ->
log ~title "No definition uid, fallbacking to the declaration uid: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print decl.uid);
decl.uid, true
match uid with
| Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ } ->
let locopt =
let log_and_return msg = log ~title msg; None in
if Env.get_unit_name () = comp_unit then begin
log ~title "We look for %a in the current compilation unit."
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
log ~title "Looking for %a in the uid_to_loc table"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
let tbl = Ast_iterators.build_uid_to_locs_tbl ~local_defs () in
match Shape.Uid.Tbl.find_opt tbl uid with
| Some { Location.loc; _ } -> Some (uid, loc)
| None ->
log ~title
"Uid not found in the local table.\
Fallbacking to the node's location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt decl.loc);
Some (uid, decl.loc)
end else begin
log ~title "Loading the cmt file for unit %S" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit with
| Ok (_pos_fname, cmt) ->
log ~title "Shapes successfully loaded, looking for %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
begin match Shape.Uid.Tbl.find_opt cmt.cmt_uid_to_decl uid with
| Some decl -> loc_of_decl ~uid decl
| None ->
log ~title "Uid not found in the cmt table. \
Fallbacking to the node's location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt decl.loc);
Some (uid, decl.loc)
| _ -> log_and_return "Failed to load the shapes"
begin match locopt with
| Some (uid, loc) -> `Found (Some uid, loc, approximated)
| None ->
log ~title "Uid not found in the cmt table. \
Fallbacking to the node's location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt decl.loc);
`Found (Some uid, decl.loc, true)
| Compilation_unit comp_unit ->
log ~title "Got the uid of a compilation unit: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
match loc_of_comp_unit comp_unit with
| Some loc -> `Found (Some uid, loc, approximated)
| _ -> log ~title "Failed to load the CU's cmt";
`Not_found ( path, None)
| Predef s -> `Builtin s
| Internal -> `Builtin "<internal>"

type find_source_result =
| Found of string
| Not_found of File.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,19 +492,136 @@ let find_source ~config loc path =
merlin doesn't know which is the right one: %s"

(** [find_loc_of_uid] uid's location are given by tables stored int he cmt files
for external compilation units or computed by Merlin for the current buffer.
This function lookups a uid's location in the appropriate table. *)
let find_loc_of_uid ~config ~local_defs uid comp_unit =
let title = "find_loc_of_uid" in
let loc_of_decl ~uid def =
match Misc_utils.loc_of_decl ~uid def with
| Some loc ->
log ~title "Found location: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt loc.loc);
`Some (uid, loc.loc)
| None -> log ~title "The declaration has no location."; `None
if Env.get_unit_name () = comp_unit then begin
log ~title "We look for %a in the current compilation unit."
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
log ~title "Looking for %a in the uid_to_loc table"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
let tbl = Ast_iterators.build_uid_to_locs_tbl ~local_defs () in
match Shape.Uid.Tbl.find_opt tbl uid with
| Some { Location.loc; _ } -> `Some (uid, loc)
| None -> log ~title "Uid not found in the local table."; `None
end else begin
log ~title "Loading the cmt file for unit %S" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit with
| Ok (_pos_fname, cmt) ->
log ~title "Shapes successfully loaded, looking for %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
begin match Shape.Uid.Tbl.find_opt cmt.cmt_uid_to_decl uid with
| Some decl -> loc_of_decl ~uid decl
| None -> log ~title "Uid not found in the cmt's table."; `None
| _ -> log ~title "Failed to load the cmt file"; `None

let find_loc_of_comp_unit ~config uid comp_unit =
let title = "find_loc_of_comp_unit" in
log ~title "Got the uid of a compilation unit: %s" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit with
| Ok (pos_fname, _cmt) ->
let pos = Std.Lexing.make_pos ~pos_fname (1, 0) in
let loc = { Location.loc_start=pos; loc_end=pos; loc_ghost=true } in
`Some (uid, loc)
| _ -> log ~title "Failed to load the CU's cmt"; `None

let find_definition_uid ~config ~env ~(decl : Env_lookup.item) path =
let namespace = decl.namespace in
let module Shape_reduce =
Shape.Make_reduce (struct
type env = Env.t

let fuel = 10

let read_unit_shape ~unit_name =
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "inspecting %s" unit_name;
match load_cmt ~config:({config with ml_or_mli = `ML}) unit_name with
| Ok (filename, cmt_infos) ->
move_to filename cmt_infos;
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "shapes loaded for %s" unit_name;
| Error () ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "failed to find %s" unit_name;

let find_shape env id = Env.shape_of_path
~namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.Module env (Pident id)
let shape = Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path in
log ~title:"shape_of_path" "initial: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.print shape);
let reduced = Shape_reduce.reduce_for_uid
~keep_aliases:(not config.traverse_aliases) env shape
log ~title:"shape_of_path" "reduced: %a"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.print_reduction_result fmt reduced);

(** This is the main function here *)
let from_path ~config ~env ~local_defs ~decl path =
let shape_result = uid_of_path ~config ~env ~decl path in
match from_reduction_result ~config ~local_defs ~decl shape_result path with
| `Not_found _ | `Builtin _
| `File_not_found _ as err -> err
| `Found (uid, loc, approximated) ->
let title = "from_path" in
let unalias (decl : Env_lookup.item) =
if not config.traverse_aliases then decl.uid else
let namespace = decl.namespace in
let uid = scrape_alias ~fallback_uid:decl.uid ~env ~namespace path in
if uid <> decl.uid then
log ~title:"uid_of_path" "Unaliased declaration uid: %a -> %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print decl.uid)
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print uid);
(* Step 1: Path => Uid *)
let decl : Env_lookup.item = { decl with uid = (unalias decl) } in
let uid, approximated = match config.ml_or_mli with
| `MLI -> decl.uid, false
| `ML ->
match find_definition_uid ~config ~env ~decl path with
| Shape.Resolved uid -> uid, false
| Unresolved { uid = Some uid; desc = Comp_unit _; approximated } ->
uid, approximated
| Approximated _ | Unresolved _ | Missing_uid ->
log ~title "No definition uid, falling back to the declaration uid: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print decl.uid);
decl.uid, true
(* Step 2: Uid => Location *)
let loc = match uid with
| Predef s -> `Builtin s
| Internal -> `Builtin "<internal>"
| Item {comp_unit; _} -> find_loc_of_uid ~config ~local_defs uid comp_unit
| Compilation_unit comp_unit -> find_loc_of_comp_unit ~config uid comp_unit
let loc = match loc with
| `None ->
log ~title "Falling back to the declaration's location: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc decl.loc);
`Some (decl.uid, decl.loc)
| other -> other
(* Step 3: Location => Source *)
match loc with
| `None -> assert false
| `Builtin _ as err -> err
| `Some (uid, loc) ->
match find_source ~config:config.mconfig loc ( path) with
| `Found (file, location) ->
log ~title:"find_source" "Found file: %s (%a)" file
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc location);
`Found {
reduction_result = shape_result;
decl_uid = decl.uid;
file; location; approximated }
| `File_not_found _ as otherwise -> otherwise
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -830,8 +808,8 @@ let find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid =

let doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid =
begin match uid with
| Some (Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ } as uid)
| Some (Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit as uid)
| Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ }
| Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit
when Env.get_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
log ~title:"get_doc" "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another
compilation unit (%s)"
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/analysis/locate.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ type config = {

type result = {
uid: Shape.Uid.t option;
reduction_result: Shape.reduction_result;
uid: Shape.Uid.t;
decl_uid: Shape.Uid.t;
file: string;
location: Location.t;
Expand Down

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