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wip: stop relying on the typedtree to locate doc comments.
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Right now module documentation doesn't work.
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voodoos committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent 2336424 commit 3199a00
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Showing 3 changed files with 79 additions and 141 deletions.
212 changes: 75 additions & 137 deletions src/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -706,142 +706,73 @@ let from_string ~config ~env ~local_defs ~pos ?namespaces path =
Option.value_map ~f:from_lid ~default:(`Not_found (path, None)) lid

(** When we look for docstring in external compilation unit we can perform
a uid-based search and return the attached comment in the attributes.
This is a more sound way to get documentation than resorting on the
[Ocamldoc.associate_comment] heuristic *)
(* In a future release of OCaml the cmt's uid_to_loc table will contain
fragments of the typedtree that might be used to get the docstrings without
relying on this iteration *)
let find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid =
let exception Found_attributes of Typedtree.attributes in
let test elt_uid attributes =
if Shape.Uid.equal uid elt_uid then raise (Found_attributes attributes)
let doc_of_item_declaration decl =
let attributes = match decl with
| Typedtree.Value { val_attributes; _ } -> val_attributes
| Value_binding { vb_attributes; _ } -> vb_attributes
| Type { typ_attributes; _ } -> typ_attributes
| Constructor { cd_attributes; _ } -> cd_attributes
| Extension_constructor { ext_attributes; _ } -> ext_attributes
| Label { ld_attributes; _ } -> ld_attributes
| Module { md_attributes; _ } -> md_attributes
| Module_substitution { ms_attributes; _ } -> ms_attributes
| Module_binding { mb_attributes; _ } -> mb_attributes
| Module_type { mtd_attributes; _ } -> mtd_attributes
| Class { ci_attributes; _ }
| Class_type { ci_attributes; _ } -> ci_attributes
let iterator =
let first_item = ref true in
let uid_is_comp_unit = match uid with
| Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit _ -> true
| _ -> false
fun env -> { Tast_iterator.default_iterator with

(* Needed to return top-level module doc (when the uid is a compunit).
The module docstring must be the first signature or structure item *)
signature_item = (fun sub ({ sig_desc; _} as si) ->
begin match sig_desc, !first_item, uid_is_comp_unit with
| Tsig_attribute attr, true, true -> raise (Found_attributes [attr])
| _, false, true -> raise Not_found
| _, _, _ -> first_item := false end;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.signature_item sub si);

structure_item = (fun sub ({ str_desc; _} as sti) ->
begin match str_desc, !first_item, uid_is_comp_unit with
| Tstr_attribute attr, true, true -> raise (Found_attributes [attr])
| _, false, true -> raise Not_found
| _, _, _ -> first_item := false end;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.structure_item sub sti);

value_description = (fun sub ({ val_val; val_attributes; _ } as vd) ->
test val_val.val_uid val_attributes;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.value_description sub vd);

type_declaration = (fun sub ({ typ_type; typ_attributes; _ } as td) ->
test typ_type.type_uid typ_attributes;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.type_declaration sub td);

value_binding = (fun sub ({ vb_pat; vb_attributes; _ } as vb) ->
let pat_var_iter ~f pat =
let rec aux pat =
let open Typedtree in
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var (id, _, _) -> f id
| Tpat_alias (pat, _, _, _)
| Tpat_variant (_, Some pat, _)
| Tpat_lazy pat
| Tpat_or (pat, _, _) ->
aux pat
| Tpat_tuple pats
| Tpat_construct (_, _, pats, _)
| Tpat_array pats ->
List.iter ~f:aux pats
| Tpat_record (pats, _) ->
List.iter ~f:(fun (_, _, pat) -> aux pat) pats
| _ -> ()
aux pat
pat_var_iter vb_pat ~f:(fun id ->
let vd = Env.find_value (Pident id) env in
test vd.val_uid vb_attributes
with Not_found -> ());
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.value_binding sub vb)
let parse_attributes attrs =
let open Parsetree in
try Some (List.find_map attrs ~f:(fun attr ->
if List.exists ["ocaml.doc"; "ocaml.text"]
~f:(String.equal attr.attr_name.txt)
then Ast_helper.extract_str_payload attr.attr_payload
else None))
with Not_found -> None
let typedtree =
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Loading the cmt for unit %S" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config:({config with ml_or_mli = `MLI}) comp_unit with
| Ok (_, cmt_infos) ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Cmt loaded, itering on the typedtree";
begin match cmt_infos.cmt_annots with
| Interface s -> Some (`Interface { s with
sig_final_env = Envaux.env_of_only_summary s.sig_final_env})
| Implementation str -> Some (`Implementation { str with
str_final_env = Envaux.env_of_only_summary str.str_final_env})
| _ -> None
| Error _ -> None
match parse_attributes attributes with
| Some (doc, _) -> `Found_doc (doc |> String.trim)
| None -> `No_documentation

let find_decl_in_cmt cmt_infos uid =
let decl =
Shape.Uid.Tbl.find_opt cmt_infos.Cmt_format.cmt_uid_to_decl uid
try begin match typedtree with
| Some (`Interface s) ->
let iterator = iterator s.sig_final_env in
iterator.signature iterator s;
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "uid not found in the signature"
| Some (`Implementation str) ->
let iterator = iterator str.str_final_env in
iterator.structure iterator str;
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "uid not found in the implementation"
| _ -> () end;
| Found_attributes attrs ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Found attributes for this uid";
let parse_attributes attrs =
let open Parsetree in
try Some (List.find_map attrs ~f:(fun attr ->
if List.exists ["ocaml.doc"; "ocaml.text"]
~f:(String.equal attr.attr_name.txt)
then Ast_helper.extract_str_payload attr.attr_payload
else None))
with Not_found -> None
begin match parse_attributes attrs with
| Some (doc, _) -> `Found (doc |> String.trim)
| None -> `No_documentation end
| Not_found -> `No_documentation
match decl with
| None -> `Decl_not_found
| Some decl -> `Found decl

let doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid =
begin match uid with
| Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ }
| Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit
when Env.get_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
log ~title:"get_doc" "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another
compilation unit (%s)"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid) comp_unit;
(match find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid with
| `Found doc -> `Found_doc doc
| `No_documentation ->
(* We fallback on the legacy heuristic to handle some unproper
doc placement. See test [unattached-comment.t] *)
`Found_loc loc)
when Env.get_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
log ~title:"get_doc" "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another
compilation unit (%s)"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid) comp_unit;
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Loading the cmt for unit %S" comp_unit;
begin match load_cmt ~config:({config with ml_or_mli = `MLI}) comp_unit with
| Error _ -> `No_documentation
| Ok (_, cmt_infos) ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Cmt loaded for %s" (Option.value ~default:"<>" cmt_infos.cmt_sourcefile);
begin match find_decl_in_cmt cmt_infos uid with
| `Found decl ->
begin match doc_of_item_declaration decl with
| `Found_doc d -> `Found_doc d
| `No_documentation -> `Found_decl (uid, decl, cmt_infos.cmt_comments)
| `Decl_not_found ->
(* We fallback on the legacy heuristic to handle some unproper
doc placement. See test [unattached-comment.t] *)
`No_documentation end
| _ ->
(* Uid based search doesn't works in the current CU since Merlin's parser
does not attach doc comments to the typedtree *)
`Found_loc loc

let doc_from_comment_list ~local_defs ~buffer_comments loc =
let doc_from_comment_list ~after_only ~buffer_comments loc =
(* When the doc we look for is in the current buffer or if search by uid
has failed we use an alternative heuristic since Merlin's pure parser
does not poulates doc attributes in the typedtree. *)
Expand All @@ -863,17 +794,6 @@ let doc_from_comment_list ~local_defs ~buffer_comments loc =
Location.print_loc l);
Format.fprintf fmt "]\n"
let browse = Mbrowse.of_typedtree local_defs in
let (_, deepest_before) =
Mbrowse.(leaf_node @@ deepest_before loc.Location.loc_start [browse])
(* based on *)
let after_only = begin match deepest_before with
| Browse_raw.Constructor_declaration _ -> true
(* The remaining `true` cases are currently not reachable *)
| Label_declaration _ | Record_field _ | Row_field _ -> true
| _ -> false
end in
Ocamldoc.associate_comment ~after_only comments loc !last_location
Expand All @@ -891,9 +811,7 @@ let get_doc ~config:mconfig ~env ~local_defs ~comments ~pos =
log ~title:"get_doc" "completion: looking for the doc of '%a'"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Path.print fmt path) ;

let from_path =
from_path ~config ~env ~local_defs ~namespace path
let from_path = from_path ~config ~env ~local_defs ~namespace path in
begin match from_path with
| `Found { uid; location = loc; _ } ->
doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid
Expand All @@ -914,8 +832,28 @@ let get_doc ~config:mconfig ~env ~local_defs ~comments ~pos =
match doc_from_uid_result with
| `Found_doc doc -> `Found doc
| `Found_decl (uid, decl, comments) ->
(match Misc_utils.loc_of_decl ~uid decl with
| None -> `No_documentation
| Some loc ->
let after_only = match decl with
| Typedtree.Constructor _ | Label _ -> true
| _ -> false
doc_from_comment_list ~after_only ~buffer_comments:comments loc.loc)
| `Found_loc loc ->
doc_from_comment_list ~local_defs ~buffer_comments:comments loc
(* based on *)
let browse = Mbrowse.of_typedtree local_defs in
let (_, deepest_before) =
Mbrowse.(leaf_node @@ deepest_before loc.Location.loc_start [browse])
let after_only = begin match deepest_before with
| Browse_raw.Constructor_declaration _ -> true
(* The remaining `true` cases are currently not reachable *)
| Label_declaration _ | Record_field _ | Row_field _ -> true
| _ -> false end
doc_from_comment_list ~after_only ~buffer_comments:comments loc
| `Builtin _ ->
begin match path with
| `User_input path -> `Builtin path
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/test-dirs/document/issue1513.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ We should not rely on "fallbacking". This requires a compiler change.
> -filename < | tr '\n' ' ' | jq '.value'
"A Comment"

FIXME: expected "B Comment"
Expecting "B Comment"
$ $MERLIN single document -position 2:13 \
> -filename < | tr '\n' ' ' | jq '.value'
"A Comment B Comment"
"B Comment"

$ $MERLIN single document -position 3:13 \
> -filename < | jq '.value'
"B Comment"
"No documentation available"

$ rm naux.cmt

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/test-dirs/document/module-doc.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
$ dune build ./main.exe

The licence is correctly ignored when looking for the doc of Lib
$ $MERLIN single document -position 1:11 \
$ $MERLIN single document -log-file - -position 1:11 \
> -filename <
"class": "return",
Expand Down

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