What's Changed
- 添加 DU 上电闪屏和自检效果 by @Misaka-L in #1
- 重写 ECAM Memo 渲染、FWS 基本完工 by @Misaka-L in #2
- 添加 FWS 音效、起飞构型警告、选择性更新 ECAM,修复 APU 错误的状态显示 by @Misaka-L in #3
- 重构 ECAM SD,添加 ENGINE SD 页,添加 FMA 对 Cruise / AltHod 的显示 by @Misaka-L in #4
- 添加 FCU、修复 FMA 没有在 AltHold 关闭时隐藏 AP1 指示的问题 by @Misaka-L in #6
- Changepath by @Heriyadi235 in #8
- 重写 DU 组件,PFD 添加速度游标 UI,起飞形态条件修改,ND 页面切换,可用的 ILS 页面 by @Misaka-L in #9
- 一些 ECAM、FWS 新特性和修复 by @Misaka-L in #10
- 修复错误触发双发失效的问题、添加 FWS 警告灯和取消警告、添加发动机火警、EGT/N1/N2 超限警告 by @Misaka-L in #11
- feat: FWS altitude callout by @Misaka-L in #13
- Add PFD Spped Tags #14 and fix DUs disappear on camera #16 by @Misaka-L in #17
- Add MIT LICENSE by @Misaka-L in #19
- Add release ci and update readme by @Misaka-L in #21
- Convert repository to package by @Misaka-L in #22
- feature: add navigation display by @Misaka-L in #24
- Add Community Document by @Misaka-L in #25
- a little fix by @Heriyadi235 in #27
- add vau white livery by @Heriyadi235 in #28
- bug fix and radio and langding light adjust by @Heriyadi235 in #29
- fix cruise and althold wont work until respawn vehicle by @Heriyadi235 in #30
- Fix Wrong Heading in PFD, Deactive EnabledInVehicle by @Misaka-L in #33
- fix some materials by @Heriyadi235 in #34
- bug fixes by @Heriyadi235 in #36
- Add Debugger #40 by @Misaka-L in #41
- feature: add TailNumber #38 by @Misaka-L in #42
- add dependencies inject by @Misaka-L in #43
- chore: clean up prefab by @Misaka-L in #44
- [WIP] add virtual-cns navi selector by @Heriyadi235 in #45
- 模型大修,takecontrol,机身碰撞体,extension清理 by @Heriyadi235 in #51
- feature: mcdu (still W.I.P) by @Misaka-L in #52
- feature: mcdu input & message by @Misaka-L in #53
- add fmgc and fmgc rad nav, radio nav page fully functional, di use DependenciesInjector.GetInstance(this).dependence by @Misaka-L in #55
- add clock and fix fws, mcdu radnav, pfd/nd cdi animation error, ecam by @Misaka-L in #62
- clean-up project fiels, add radio altimeter, refactor fws, fix fws warning by @Misaka-L in #63
- add fcu ap1 (alt hold) a/thr(cruise) indicator, fix ecam show placeholder warnning, replace cockpit textures by @Misaka-L in #64
- 一大堆主要是同步问题的修复 by @Heriyadi235 in #68
- add overspeed waning, add nd efis indicator, move prefab files by @Misaka-L in #69
- PFD EFIS Control, Debugger Engine start by @Misaka-L in #71
- add ecam pages switch, add mcdu OnPageUpdate Event, add update interval by @Misaka-L in #72
New Contributors
- @Misaka-L made their first contribution in #1
- @Heriyadi235 made their first contribution in #8
Full Changelog: https://github.com/vrcau/VAU320/commits/v0.0.1