A small-ish program to control fans on Linux through lm-sensors or whichever other sources you like.
There will be a lot more here soon enough.
This program was initially partially based upon Nicholas Polach's "NVIDIA Fan Controller V0.1 For Linux" found currently at http://forums.evga.com/tm.aspx?m=903040 but no longer uses any code nor ideas from it.
Although this program tries to be sane and not do stupid things to your system, I can make no promises it won't set your machine on fire, melt your hard drive, fry your cat or whatever other bodily harm you can imagine. Since, after all, it does control the fans for your machine...
With that out of the way, I am releasing this under the MIT license.
Also, it needs a LOT of polish yet.
You can provide whatever sources and sinks you wish through the config file. Currently in use by me personally: lm-sensors, hddtemp, serial.
if you will use the serial one, please check out serialFC.py to see if you can work with the data it spits out. pyserial will also be most likely required.
currently its of the form of 1/255/ aka //