Collection of rpm spec files and docker images for various packages.
RPMs are available via 'sundry' COPR.
Docker images are available on Docker hub.
Project exists to collect various packages missing from official CentOS and Fedora repositories as well as to backport some of the packages from Fedora to CentOS.
Please see instructions at COPR
Apache 2.0. Please see text of the license in LICENSE file.
- OpenVPN 2.6.4
- SFTPGo 2.2.3
- Tsunami Security Scanner 0.0.20
- cargo2rpm 0.1.15
- cmake 3.15.5
- Cython 0.23
- golang-googlecode-go-crypto / golang-golangorg-crypto 0-0.10.gitc10c31b
- golang-googlecode-goauth2
- golang-googlecode-gogoprotobuf
- golang-googlecode-goprotobuf
- golang-googlecode-google-api-client
- golang-googlecode-net
- golang-googlecode-text
- golang-gopkg-check
- golang-github-AudriusButkevicius-go-nat-pmp
- golang-github-gobwas-glob
- golang-github-bkaradzic-go-lz4
- golang-github-calmh-du
- golang-github-calmh-xdr
- golang-github-cznic-b
- golang-github-cznic-bufs
- golang-github-cznic-fileutil
- golang-github-cznic-mathutil
- golang-github-cznic-ql
- golang-github-cznic-strutil
- golang-github-cznic-sortutil
- golang-github-cznic-zappy
- golang-github-gobwas-glob
- golang-github-golang-appengine
- golang-github-golang-groupcache
- golang-github-golang-sys
- golang-github-influxdb-influxdb
- golang-github-jackpal-gateway
- golang-github-jackpal-go-nat-pmp
- golang-github-juju-ratelimit git772f5c3
- golang-github-lib-pq git0dad96c
- golang-github-odeke-em-extractor
- golang-github-odeke-em-cache
- golang-github-odeke-em-command
- golang-github-odeke-em-go-utils
- golang-github-odeke-em-go-uuid
- golang-github-odeke-em-meddler
- golang-github-odeke-em-semalim
- golang-github-odeke-em-pretty-words
- golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
- golang-github-onsi-gomega
- golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-golang
- golang-github-oschwald-maxminddb-golang
- golang-github-rcrowley-go-metrics
- golang-github-skratchdot-open-golang
- golang-github-stathat-go
- golang-github-syndtr-goleveldb
- golang-github-syndtr-gosnappy / golang-github-golang-snappy
- golang-github-thejerf-suture
- golang-githib-vitrun-qart
- grub2
- lafs-backup-tool
- libarchive
- libev
- libsolv
- perl-Business-ISBN
- perl-Business-ISBN-Data
- perl-Canary-Stability
- perl-Capture-Tiny
- perl-Carp
- perl-common-sense
- perl-Devel-Symdump 2.15
- perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker / perl-ExtUtils-Command 7.10
- perl-EV 4.21
- perl-Fedora-VSP 0.001
- perl-GD 2.56
- perl-generators 1.07
- perl-GD-Barcode 1.15
- perl-HTTP-Date 6.02
- perl-HTML-Tagset 3.20
- perl-inc-latest 0.500
- perl-IO-Compress 2.069
- perl-Mojolicious 6.37
- perl-MRO-Compat 0.12
- perl-Package-Generator 1.106
- perl-Params-Util 1.07
- perl-Software-License 0.103010
- perl-Sub-Exporter 0.987
- perl-Sub-Install 0.928
- perl-Module-Build 0.42.14
- perl-Pod-Coverage 0.23
- perl-TermReadKey 2.23
- perl-Test-Pod 1.51
- perl-Text-Template 1.46
- perl-threads 2.02
- perl-Tk 804.033
- perl-XML-Parser 2.44
- pyOpenSSL 16.0.0
- python-characteristic 14.3.0
- python-configargparse 0.9.3
- python-cryptography 1.3.1
- python-cryptography-vectors 1.3.1
- python-dialog 3.3.0
- python-idna 2.0
- python-ipaddress 1.0.16
- python-iso8601 0.1.10
- python-jsonschema & python3-jsonschema 2.4.0
- python-hypothesis 1.11.2
- python-keyring & python3-keyring 5.0
- python-layered-yaml-attrdict-config 16.1.0
- python-mock 1.0.1
- python-ndg_httpsclient 0.4.0
- python-parsedatetime 1.5
- python-psutil 4.2.0
- python-pyasn1 0.1.9
- python-pycparser 2.14
- python-rpmautospec 0.2.6
- python-rpm-macros
- python-simplejson 3.5.3
- python-six 1.10.0
- python-twisted 15.4.0
- python-zbase32 1.1.5
- python-zope-event 4.1.0
- python-zope-component 4.2.2
- pyutil 1.9.7
- rubygem-fog-profitbricks 0.0.3
- rubygem-pathspec 0.0.2
- rubygem-retriable 1.4.1
- rust-config-file 0.2.3
- rust-concolor 0.0.8
- rust-concolor-query 0.0.5
- rust-clap_mangen 0.1.11
- rust-packaging 25.2
- rust-snapbox 0.2.10
- rust-snapbox-macros 0.2.1
- yum 3.4.3-508
- Make this unrelated to google repo.